ThinkSmart One - Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's) and Troubleshooting

Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's) and Troubleshooting for ThinkSmart One and ThinkSmart Controller Kit

Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's) and Troubleshooting for ThinkSmart One and ThinkSmart Controller Kit

Describes the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and Troubleshooting for the ThinkSmart One and ThinkSmart Controller Kit.

ThinkSmart One


Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's)

  • How to set up the device when starting the Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE) setting?
    • The following are the steps to setup the ThinkSmart One. Note: A HDMI monitor, USB keyboard, and USB mouse is required.
    1. Connect a HDMI monitor to the HDMI port.
    2. Connect a USB keyboard to the USB port.
    3. Connect a USB mouse to the USB port
    4. Connect the ThinkSmart Touch Controller to the UBC-C port.
    5. Connect the Ethernet cable.
    6. Connect the power adapter.
    7. Press the ThinkSmart One power button.
    8. The ThinkSmart Touch Controller displays the Lenovo logo, and the ThinkSmart One starts the device will start the Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE) steps.


  • How to configure Windows settings when starting the Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE)?
    1. Select the region.
      Windows Region
    2. Select the keyboard layout.
      Windows Keyboad
    3. If needed, select a second keyboard layout.
      Second Keyboard


  • How to configure MTR during Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE)?
    1. Agree to the Microsoft Software License Terms.
      Microsoft Software License Terms
    2. Enter an MTR account information (Email, Password) and and select Supported meeting mode. Modern Authenfication switch should be Enable.
      Microsoft Teams Rooms Settings
    3. For advanced sign-in or domain configuration, the Admin enters the information within Advanced, then click Next and Finish. The device restarts with the new settings.
      Advanced Setup
    4. Sign in to MTR.
      Sign In



  • How to switch between a MTR account and password?
    1. Select More → Settings, and enter the Windows Administrator password at pop-up window then enter MTR settings interface.
      Sign In
    2. Select Account, then change Email account and Password. Select support meeting modeSave and Exit.
      Microsoft Teams Rooms Settings



  • How to change from a MTR account to a Windows Admin account?
    1. Click More → Settings. Go to MTR settings interface → Windows Settings.
    2. Select user Administrator and input administrator password.


  • How to change from a Windows Admin account to a MTR account?
    1. Open the Start Menu.
    2. Select Administrator → Sign out.
    3. Select Skype → Sign in.


  • How to reset the Windows Admin password?
    • Password Reset Disk: Create a password reset disk to reset the password in case of forgetting the Windows account password.
      1. Sign in as Admin account.
      2. Go to Control Panel and view by large icons or small icons.
      3. Click User Accounts
      4. Insert a USB flash drive and select Create a password reset disk, then follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process.
        User Accounts
    • Recovery USB: Recover the OS by Recovery USB to reset the admin account. It requires to re-install the image using the Lenovo Digital Download Recovery Service (DDRS). process. All information, settings are lost. After this procedure, the device started with Windows Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE) process.


  • How to reset the device to factory mode?
    • ThinkSmart One: Does not have a factory reset button. It requires to re-install the image using the Lenovo Digital Download Recovery Service (DDRS). All information, settings are lost. After this procedure, the device started with Windows Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE) process.
    • Microsoft Teams Room (MTR): Click: Use the Microsoft Teams Rooms recovery tool.
    • Windows IoT: All information, and setting are lost. Following the procedure, the device starts the Windows Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE), setup and configuration steps. To reset, follow the steps listed below:
      1. Open the Start Menu → Settings.
      2. Select Update & Security.
      3. Select Recovery.
      4. Select Reset this PC → Get Started.
      5. Select Remove everything.
        Reset this PC
      6. Select Local reinstall.
        Reset this PC
      7. Confirm the settings, and click Next to continue.
        Reset this PC
      8. Confirm the reset tips, click Reset to start the process.
        Reset this PC
      9. The ThinkSmart One automatically resets after the reset process has completed.
        Reset this PC


  • How to upgrade, or downgrade the Windows OS version?
    • Upgrade: After Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) upgraded, the OS can be upgraded via Windows Update.
    • Downgrade: Downgrade is not available.


  • How to change touch controller to main screen?
    • Sign in as Admin account. Right-click the desktop and select Display settingsDisplay.
    • Select Make this my main display.


  • What meeting applications are supported?
    • ThinkSmart One is designed for: Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR), or Zoom Rooms.



  • Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) displays Device is not connected to internet error message after MTR Out-of-box-Experience (OOBE) setting.
    1. Ensure the device is connected to Ethernet (RJ45) port or Wi-Fi.
    2. Ensure the network is working properly, and not restricted or blocked by firewall.
    3. Restart device and sign in to MTR again.


  • Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) displays Cannot fetch calendar error message.
    Cannot Fetch Calendar
    1. Click More → Settings go to MTR settings page.
    2. Chose the Account.
    3. Enable Modern Authentication.
      Settings Account


  • Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) displays Couldn't sign in to Microsoft Teams error message after MTR Out-of-box-Experience (OOBE) setting.
    Couldn't sign in
    1. Ensure the device is connected to Ethernet (RJ45) port or Wi-Fi.
    2. Go to MTR settings page, and review the MTR Account information (Email, Password, Supported meeting mode).
      Settings Account
    3. Restart device and sign in to the MTR account again.


  • No display on the ThinkSmart Touch Controller.
    1. Ensure the touch controller device is connected to the correct USB-C port.
      ThinkSmart One
    2. Plug in the touch controller cable again.
    3. Confirm that the Lenovo logo appears on the touch controller display, after three seconds the displays goes blank.
    4. Restart the device.



Note: It is recommended to disable AI features like Automated Zoom, Speaker Tracking, and Whiteboard Detection when using Microsoft Teams Room's Cloud IntelliFrame.

Document ID:HT513794
Original Publish Date:05/11/2022
Last Modified Date:02/11/2025