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Troubleshooting keyboard issues - Windows - ThinkPad

Steps and instructions to troubleshoot keyboard issues - Windows - ThinkPad

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Steps and instructions to troubleshoot keyboard issues - Windows - ThinkPad

For additional troubleshooting steps, see Keyboard keys may not work.

Internal ThinkPad Keyboard

  1. Power on the computer. At the BIOS splash screen, press F1 on the internal keyboard. The Entering System Setup message should be displayed. If you are able to enter BIOS, make sure that you can navigate through the menus to ensure basic functionality. While there, press the CapsLk key and ensure that the indicator light turns on or off. See Recommended ways to enter BIOS - ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation.
    T490 BIOS sample
  2. If not able to enter BIOS, try pressing the Enter key.
  3. If that works, reboot the computer. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
    Select the Windows logo, expand Windows Accessories, and select Notepad. Using the internal keyboard, press each letter key and each number key to determine if the keystrokes are being recorded properly. If certain keys do not work, make note of these.
  4. Check to see if any keyboard mapping software has been installed that would interfere with normal keyboard functions.
  5. Boot into Windows Safe Mode and test keyboard functionality with notepad.
  6. Verify that the latest BIOS for the ThinkPad system is installed.
    Click here to view the latest BIOS files for all ThinkPad systems.
  7. Verify that the latest Hotkey driver for the ThinkPad system is installed.
    For THINK products, you can choose to download drivers automatically using Lenovo System Update. Download Lenovo System Update using the following URL: Lenovo System Update: Update Drivers, BIOS and Applications
  8. Reset the internal ThinkPad keyboard, if applicable.
    If the keyboard is a customer replaceable unit (CRU), then reset the keyboard connector. Please verify this in the system’s Hardware Maintenance Manual.

External USB Keyboard

  1. Make sure the keyboard’s USB cable is securely installed into the ThinkPad.
  2. Remove the keyboard’s USB cable from the ThinkPad and install it into a different USB Port.
  3. Power on the computer. At the BIOS splash screen, press F1 on the External keyboard. The Entering System Setup message should be displayed. If you are able to enter BIOS, make sure that you can navigate through the menus to ensure basic functionality. While there, press the CapsLk key and ensure that the indicator light turns on or off. Recommended ways to enter BIOS - ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation
    • If not able to enter BIOS, try pressing the Enter key.
    • Try entering BIOS with the Internal Keyboard.
  4. Boot into the operating system. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
    Right-click the Windows logo, expand Windows Accessories, select Notepad. Using the External keyboard, press each letter key and each number key to determine if the keystrokes are being recorded properly. If certain keys do not work, make note of these.
  5. Check to see if any keyboard mapping software is installed that would be interfering with normal keyboard functions.
  6. Boot into Windows Safe Mode and test keyboard functionality with notepad.
  7. Verify that the latest BIOS for the ThinkPad system is installed.
    Click here to view the latest BIOS files for all ThinkPad systems.
  8. Verify that the latest Hotkey driver for the ThinkPad system is installed.
    For THINK products, you can choose to download drivers automatically using Lenovo System Update. Download Lenovo System Update using the following URL: Lenovo System Update: Update Drivers, BIOS and Applications

Note: If the issue still remains unresolved, please contact your local technical Support Center.

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:12/25/2017
Siste endrede data:02/10/2025