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ThinkPad Pen Pro (For Yoga 260, Yoga 370, X380 Yoga) - Overview and Service Parts

ThinkPad Pen Pro (For Yoga 260, Yoga 370, X380 Yoga) - Overview and Service Parts

ThinkPad Pen Pro (For Yoga 260, Yoga 370, X380 Yoga) - Overview and Service Parts


Features and specifications

The ThinkPad Pro Pen with 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity, it is an ideal input solution to give the user a precise content creation experience.

For a detailed description, please click Product Overview

Please click Lenovo Accessories Lookup to look up and purchase accessories.

Manuals Version Release Date
Warranty Information (1.4 MB) Sept 2015 26 Aug 2015



1 year – Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)

  • Announce date: 3 Nov 2015
  • Availability date: 10 Nov 2015

Hardware Compatibility

Systems Machine Type Model
ThinkPad Yoga 260, Yoga 370 All All
ThinkPad X380 Yoga All All

For the latest updates on the compatible systems, refer to one of the following:

Service Parts

  • Description: A description of the product.
  • Geography: The geography where the product is available.
  • Marketing part number: The marketing part number is the part number used for purchasing the product.
  • Service part number (FRU): The service part number for the product or one of the product's components.
Description Geography Marketing part number Service part number (FRU)
ThinkPad Pen Pro (For Yoga 260, 270) Worldwide 4X80K32538 00HN896

For Consumer Accessory: Parts Availability is vary to different service models of each Geo.
EMEA, AP service is provided by reseller.

Document ID:ACC100270
Data publicării inițiale:02/17/2016
Data ultimei modificări:04/02/2024