Batch Warranty Lookup FAQ
Batch Warranty FAQ
Batch Warranty FAQ
This document covers below batch warranty related hot topics:
- How do I perform a batch warranty information query?
- I have more than 10 serial numbers to look up using a batch query. Can I upload all of these at one time?
- I have filled in the correct serial number or IMEI, but the warranty information show as blank on the results page. What's wrong?
- I have submitted a valid Machine Type in the .xlsx file but the query returns with blank results
- How do I download the query results into a file for future reference?
- If the base warranty dates are wrong (either new or upgraded with extended warranty), who should I contact to rectify the issue?
1. How do I perform a batch warranty information query?
Use the batch query template and fill in the required details, such as Serial Number/IMEI and Machine Type at batch warranty lookup page. Then, upload the file.
2. I have more than 10 serial numbers to look up using a batch query. Can I upload all of these at one time?
Yes! For each batch query, a maximum of 1000 serial numbers is allowed for processing, but please allow for more processing time.
3. I have filled in the correct serial number or IMEI, but the warranty information show as blank on the results page. What's wrong?
The Machine Type / Serial Number or IMEI combination you entered was not found in our database. Please verify the “Machine Type” and “SerialorIMEI” you’ve entered into the xlsx file, or perform a check with the Serial Number via our Warranty Lookup site to ensure it’s displaying the correct information.
4. I have submitted a valid Machine Type in the .xlsx file but the query returns with blank results
Please ensure each data row also includes “SerialorIMEI” as this is a required field; It is not possible to search for Machine Type alone.
5. How do I download the query results into a file for future reference?
In the results page, go to “Export Results” and save the file (according to your preferred format) into your local system for future reference.
6. If the base warranty dates are wrong (either new or upgraded with extended warranty), who should I contact to rectify the issue?
Please visit our Contact Us page to locate the support number base on your local regional support center
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