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Tento produkt již není aktivně podporován vývojářským týmem (konec podpory vývoje) a nebudou vydány žádné další aktualizace softwaru. Veškerý software nebo podpůrné zdroje poskytované společností Lenovo jsou k dispozici „TAK, JAK JSOU“ a bez jakýchkoli záruk jakéhokoli druhu, výslovných nebo předpokládané. Produkty, na které se stále vztahuje omezená záruka Lenovo, mají nárok na opravu.
Ukončení podpory vývoje
Your product may no longer be actively supported by development (End of Development Support). Any resources provided by Lenovo for such products are made available “AS IS” and without warranties of any kind, express or implied. In no case will Lenovo be liable for the failure of any provided resources to function as expected or intended and the loss of, or damage to, data. To determine if your product is still actively supported by development, enter your serial number or product type below.
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Kontrolní součet je číslice představující součet číslic v instanci digitálních dat, používá se ke kontrole, zda při přenosu nebo ukládání nedošlo k chybám.
Kontrolní součet je číslice představující součet číslic v instanci digitálních dat, používá se ke kontrole, zda při přenosu nebo ukládání nedošlo k chybám.
Supported Operating Systems: - Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Professional - Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
Note: -This package also installs Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager which is an extension to the Windows Device Manager. After the Intel PROSet software is installed, additional tabs are automatically added to Device Manager.
[Important] Ended support for Windows 2000. (Note) For Windows 2000, please use the old version (Build 185309).
(Fix) Fixed an issue that might generate a blue screen error.
Version - Build 185309
(Fix) Fixed an issue that might generate system hang with blue screen.
(Fix) Added support for ThinkPad X60,X60s,X60 Tablet in build 152228.
Version - Build 152228
(New) Support for ThinkPad X300 (added).
(Fix) (Windows XP only) Ethernet driver can not be removed from Add or Remove Programs.
Version - Build 149536
(New) Support for ThinkPad T60, T61p (added).
(Fix) A driver hang issue on ThinkPad T60/T60p on Windows XP.
Version - Build 142746
(New) Initial release for T61p
(New) Initial release for ThinkPad X61, X61s, X61 Tablet
(Fix) Fix a problem of an error message pop up when try to uninstall the driver in User mode
Version - Build 138540
Initial release for ThinkPad R61, T61
Installation Instructions
If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the software. To determine if you should update the software, refer to the Version Information section.
Ethernet driver
Manual Install
This section assumes to use Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.
[Downloading file]
Click once on the underlined file name. Once this is done, some pop-up windows will appear.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
In the window to choose Run or Save, click the Save button.
Choose the folder you would like to download the file to and click the Save button. A different window will appear and the download will begin and complete. Once the download has completed, there may or may not be a message stating that the download completed successfully.
[Extracting file]
Make sure to be logged on with administrative privileges.
Locate the directory where the file was downloaded.
Locate the file that was downloaded and double-click it.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
In the "Select Destination Location" window, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.
In the "Ready to Install" window, click Install. All the necessary files will be extracted to the folder selected in the step 9.
[Installing files]
Make sure the checkbox next to "Install ..... now" is checked and click Finish.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete installation and restart the computer.
Finally delete the file saved in Step 4.
Unattended Install
Note: This is intended for system administrators only.
For unattended installation, Ethernet driver for DOS (e1000.dos) is prepared. Obtain the additional package, Intel PRO/1000 LAN Adapter Software for DOS to use the Ethernet drivers for DOS.
The information about unattended installation instructions are included in the following folders in this package; [Path where the files were extracted]\APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WS03XP32
Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager
Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager is an extension to the Windows Device Manager. When you install the Intel PROSet software, additional tabs are automatically added to Device Manager.
You must have administrator rights to install or use Intel PROSet.
Before upgrading Intel PROSet, you have to uninstall the current PROSet that is installed on your ThinkPad. If you still face an error message like "You must uninstall the old version", uninstall the Intel PROSet for Wireless LAN driver.
If you have used prior versions of Intel PROSet, you should be aware of the following changes with Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager:
There is no system tray icon.
The configuration utility is not accessible from the Control Panel or the Start menu.
All Intel PROSet features are now accessed from Device Manager. To access features, simply open the Device Manager and double-click the Intel adapter you would like to configure.
Manual Install
This section assumes to use Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.
Make sure to be logged on with administrative privileges.
Refer to the "Manual Install" section of Ethernet Driver, and download and extract the file.
In the step 11 of the Installing files section of Ethernet Driver, uncheck the checkbox next to "Install ..... now", and then click Finish to cancel installation.
Move to the following folder; [Path where the files were extracted]\APPS\PROSETDX\Win32
Double-click DxSetup.exe file.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete installation.
Determining which version is installed
Click Start.
Right-click My Computer and select Properties
Click the Hardware tab and click Device Manager.
Double-click the Network adapters category.
Double-click one of the following devices:
Intel® 82566MM Gigabit Network Connection
Intel® 82566MC Gigabit Network Connection
Intel® PRO/1000 PL Network Connection
Click the Driver tab and the driver version is displayed.
Byla tato informace užitečná?
Vaše zpětná vazba pomáhá zlepšit váš celkový zážitek
Přezdívka (ID): MIGR-67829
Datum poslední úpravy: 02 Jun 2015
Datum původního zveřejnění: 02 Jun 2015
ID dokumentu: DS000616
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