Reading Privileged Memory with a Side Channel

Reading Privileged Memory with a Side Channel

Reading Privileged Memory with a Side Channel

Lenovo Security Advisory: LEN-18282

Potential Impact: Malicious code running locally may be able to observe contents of privileged memory, circumventing expected privilege levels.

Severity: High

Scope of Impact: Industry-wide

CVE Identifier:

“Spectre” CVE-2017-5753, CVE-2017-5715
“Meltdown” CVE-2017-5754

Summary Description:

Lenovo is aware of vulnerabilities regarding certain processors nicknamed “Spectre” and “Meltdown” by their discoverers. Both are “side channel” exploits, meaning they do not access protected data directly, but rather induce the processor to operate in a specific way, and observe execution timing or other externally visible characteristics to infer the protected data.

We are working continuously with our processor, operating system, and component suppliers to incorporate fixes as we receive them. Lenovo will update this page frequently as fixes are released and new information emerges. Please check back often.

Mitigation Strategy for Customers (what you should do to protect yourself):

There are three related vulnerability variants. All require operating system updates to address. One requires processor microcode updates (see product impact section below).

Variant 1: Bounds check bypass (CVE-2017-5753)

  • Requires operating system updates
  • May require driver and/or application updates
  • Vulnerable to Spectre attack

Variant 2: Branch target injection (CVE-2017-5715)

  • Requires processor microcode updates
  • Requires operating system updates
  • May require driver and/or application updates
  • Vulnerable to Spectre attack

Variant 3: Rogue data cache load (CVE-2017-5754)

  • Requires operating system updates
  • Vulnerable to Meltdown attack

We recommend updating OS and firmware as soon as updates are available. For PCs, go to to get the latest OS patches.

Prior to patching and firmware update, you can limit your risk by following the usual security best practices to prevent an attacker from running code locally on your system. For example: Limit access to only known and trusted users; install only well-vetted, trusted applications; visit only reputable web sites with minimal obtrusive advertising and content pulled-in from other sources; and if feasible, turn off JavaScript in your browser.

Product Impact:

CPU Microcode Updates: Intel and AMD provide to Lenovo the CPU microcode updates required to address Variant 2, which Lenovo then incorporates into BIOS/UEFI firmware. We are building and testing BIOS/UEFI firmware packages as we receive new microcode from Intel and AMD. New firmware packages will be added to the product tables as they become ready.

Anti-Virus Blocking Microsoft Windows Updates: Microsoft has found some anti-virus products conflict with their OS patches ( Microsoft blocks installation of those patches until the anti-virus product has been updated or removed. Please see for information on how to unblock the installation.

NVIDIA GPU Device Drivers: Lenovo has become aware that NVIDIA GPU drivers and software (running on the host CPU, not the GPU) are vulnerable to CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre). Please see Lenovo advisory LEN-16730 for more information and updates.

Web Browsers: Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla have reported it is possible to use aspects of these vulnerabilities within their web browser applications. Please see these references for more information and updates:


The following guidance is specific to Lenovo Personal Computing (PCSD) offerings.

CPU Microcode Updates: Based on customer feedback, we are also integrating additional BIOS fixes such as Intel AMT MEBx bypass updates. All side channel related updates continue to be listed on this advisory.

Please click for more info.



Desktop - All In One






The following guidance is specific to Lenovo Data Center Group (DCG) enterprise systems offerings.

Microsoft Windows Server Updates: Windows Server updates to resolve the Side Channel Analysis vulnerabilities are disabled by default and must be enabled to benefit from protections. See . Note that Microsoft’s Speculation Control Validation PowerShell script may indicate CPU microcode fixes are not present if the Windows Server updates are not installed and enabled, even when fixed CPU microcode is present.

SUSE Linux Users: Quality issues have been discovered in the initial SLES 12 SP1 kernel update (kernel-default-3.12.74- provided by SUSE to address the Side Channel Analysis vulnerabilities. These issues can lead to an inoperable system. Customers are advised not to install this specific kernel update.

Please click for more info.

Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions

HPC Storage Solutions


Networking Switches

Scalable Infrastructure/Intelligent Cluster

Server Management Software


System x - IBM

System x - Lenovo



Other Information and References:

Advisories and Patch Guidance:

For a complete list of all Lenovo Product Security Advisories, click here.

Revision History:

Revision Date Description
52 2018-10-24 CLIENT: Updated Tablet
51 2018-07-10 CLIENT: Updated ThinkPad and IdeaPad.
50 2018-07-02 CLIENT: Updated Desktop and AIO
49 2018-06-27 CLIENT: Updated Desktop.
48 2018-06-25 CLIENT: Updated ThinkPad and IdeaPad/Lenovo Notebook
47 2018-06-18 CLIENT: Updated ThinkPad and Tablet
46 2018-06-08 CLIENT: Updated Desktop and AIO.
45 2018-06-07 ENTERPRISE: Updated ThinkSystem, Hyperscale, Server Management Software, Storage, and Networking.
44 2018-05-21 CLIENT: Updated ThinkPad and IdeaPad.
43 2018-05-02 ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM.
42 2018-04-26

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM, Storage and ThinkServer.

CLIENT Updated ThinkPad and Desktop.

41 2018-04-18

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Intelligent Cluster and System x IBM.

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, Desktop All in One, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation.

40 2018-04-05

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated HPC Storage Solutions, Intelligent Cluster and Storage.

39 2018-04-04 CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, Desktop All-In-One, IdeaPad and ThinkPad.
38 2018-04-03

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated HPC Storage Solutions and System x IBM

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkStation.

37 2018-03-29 ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions.
36 2018-03-27

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, Desktop All-in-One and ThinkStation.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM, Intelligent Cluster and Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions.

35 2018-03-22

Clarified CPU microcode updates statement applies to both Client and Enterprise systems, and both Intel and AMD processors. NVIDIA updates removed to a separate advisory. Added links to Intel and Red Hat information on mitigation impacts.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM and Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions.

34 2018-03-21

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad table and made additional updates to the ThinkStation product table. The update on 3/16 included update versions and links for ThinkStation that had not been posted yet. These have been removed and replaced with fix target dates.

33 2018-03-20

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad and ThinkStation product tables. The update on 3/16 included update versions and links for ThinkStation that had not been posted yet. These have been removed and replaced with fix target dates.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM and Server Management Software.

32 2018-03-16

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, Desktop AIO and IdeaPad product tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM and Server Management Software.

31 2018-03-14

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, Desktop AIO and ThinkStation product tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated System x IBM, Storage and Server Management Software.

30 2018-03-13

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad product table.

29 2018-03-12

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad product table.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions.

28 2018-03-09

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad product table.

ENTERPRISE Update: 'Withdrawn Broadwell & Haswell CPU Microcode Update section' removed since updated microcode has been released to production by Intel. Refer to product tables for links to remediated BIOS updates. Updated System x IBM product table.

27 2018-03-08

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated ThinkServer, Lenovo System x , and Storage product tables.

26 2018-03-07

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated ThinkServer, ThinkSystem, Lenovo System x , IBM System x, Networking Switches, and Hyperscale product tables.

25 2018-03-04

CLIENT Update: Noted incorporation of other fixes. Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Corrected Nutanix link

24 2018-03-01

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, IdeaPad and ThinkPad tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated HPC Storage Solutions, Lenovo System x and ThinkServer tables.

23 2018-02-27

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad table.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Lenovo System x and ThinkServer tables.

22 2018-02-25 ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Lenovo System x and ThinkServer tables.
21 2018-02-21

CLIENT Update: Updated Chrome and ThinkPad tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Lenovo System x table.

20 2018-02-19

CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad table.

ENTERPRISE Update: Added new BIOS/UEFI releases for ThinkSystem family, following on Intel approving production microcode for some Skylake server processor models. Added SUSE Linux statement.

19 2018-02-09

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad tables. Updated guidance for Intel beginning to deliver new microcode.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated ThinkServer table.

Updated SAP link under Advisories and Patch Guidance.

18 2018-02-07

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Added link to IBM System x advisory. Updated System x-IBM, Storage and Networking tables.

Added web browser information links.

17 2018-01-24

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions

16 2018-01-23

CLIENT Update: “Withdrawn CPU Microcode Updates” section rewritten to align with Intel’s new guidance. Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Updated ThinkSystem, System x - Lenovo, System x-IBM, ThinkServer, HyperScale, Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions, Storage and Networking tables.

15 2018-01-22 09:38 EST CLIENT Update: Updated ThinkPad T460/T460p
14 2018-01-21

CLIENT Update: Updated Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad and ThinkStation tables.

ENTERPRISE Update: Added/updated product names for System x-IBM, HyperScale and Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions. Added Scalable Infrastructure/Intelligent Cluster status.

13 2018-01-17 Added updates for ThinkPad (removed End of Support models - refer to your Lenovo Sales representative for further information), Desktop, ThinkSystem (MTMs added), System x-Lenovo (MTMs added), System x-IBM (product list expanded), Storage (Added LenovoEMC Px12-400r and LenovoEMC Px12-450r which were previously listed under Iomega), Networking, HPC Storage Solutions (modified column heading to make it clear what minimum fix versions are).
12 2018-01-16 22:30 EST Clarified NVIDIA GPU hardware is not vulnerable, only NVIDIA drivers and software running on host CPU. Added McAfee link.
11 2018-01-16 15:13 EST Added updates for Desktop, AIO, ThinkPad, Thinkstation. Note: Revision 9 incorrectly pulled back released BIOS updates for ThinkCenter M6600, M6600q, M6600t/s and M700t/s. Fixed BIOS versions for these products have been restored this revision (Revision 11).
10 2018-01-14 22:50 EST Removed issue *1 BIOS/UEFI back-flash recommendation. MCU microcode updates cannot be reversed.
9 2018-01-14 18:05 EST Added updated for Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad, ThinkStation, ThinkSystem, System x-Lenovo, System x-IBM, ThinkServer,, Hyperscale, Converged, Storage, Networking. Add HPC Storage Solutions. Updates include Nvidia graphics impact and/or fix target dates.
8 2018-01-11 Added updates for Desktop, AIO, IdeaPad, ThinkPad, ThinkStation, Chrome, System x-Lenovo, System x-IBM, ThinkServer, Server Management Software and Networking. Added 3rd CPU microcode pull-back footnote. Added links for Intel benchmarking and Oracle advisory.
7 2018-01-10 Updated VMWare reference link; Added updates for ThinkPad, Desktop, IdeaPad, System x-IBM and Networking. Extended product impact information.
6 2018-01-09 Added updates for System x - Lenovo, System x - IBM, ThinkServer, Hyperscale, Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions and Storage.
5 2018‑01‑08 17:35 Added updates for ThinkPad, IdeaPad and ThinkStation, System x-IBM, and Storage.
4 2018‑01‑08 09:40 Added product updates for Hyperscale, Server Management Software, and Enterprise Solutions
3 2018‑01‑07 Added additional links; Added product updates for Desktop, Network Switches, Storage, System x-IBM, System x-Lenovo, THinkPad, ThinkServer, ThinkStation, and ThinkSystem
2 2018‑01‑04 Added product updates
1 2018‑01‑03 Initial Release

For the most up to date information, please remain current with updates and advisories from Lenovo regarding your equipment and software. The information provided in this advisory is provided on as “as is” basis without any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Lenovo reserves the right to change or update this advisory at any time.





Product Minimum Version Required to Fix Last Updated
Lenovo 100s Clamshell Chromebook Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
Lenovo N22 Chromebook Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
Lenovo N22 Touch Chromebook Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
Lenovo N42 Chromebook Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
Lenovo N42 Touch Chromebook Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
N23 Clamshell Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
N23 Touch Clamshell Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
N23 Yoga Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
ThinkPad 11e Clamshell (1st gen) Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
ThinkPad 11e Yoga (3rd gen) Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
ThinkPad 11e Yoga (4th gen) Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
ThinkPad 13 Clamshell Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018
ThinkPad 13 Touch Clamshell Chrome OS R64 2/21/2018


Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
510-15IKL O2TKT47A 4/19/2018
510S-08IKL O2TKT47A 4/19/2018
IdeaCentre 300-20ISH FYKT77A 1/23/2018
IdeaCentre 300S-11ISH FYKT77A 1/23/2018
IdeaCentre 310-15ASR O2HKT35A 7/2/2018
ideacentre 310-15IAP O2XKT28A 2/7/2018
ideacentre 310A-15IAP O2XKT28A 2/7/2018
ideacentre 310S-08IAP O2XKT28A 2/7/2018
IdeaCentre 510-15ABR M14KT38A 7/2/2018
IdeaCentre 510S-08ISH O2PKT13A 2/7/2018
IdeaCentre 610s-02ISH O2CKT29A 2/7/2018
IdeaCentre 620s-03IKL O3GKT17A 3/1/2018
IdeaCentre 700-25ISH FWKT86A 2/7/2018
IdeaCentre 720-18ASR O38KT29A 7/2/2018
Legion Y520T_Z370 O3UKT15A 3/7/2018
Legion Y720 Tower O2YKT43A 3/14/2018
Legion Y720T AMD O3FKT26A 7/2/2018
Legion Y920 Tower O2YKT43A 3/14/2018
Lenovo 63 FCKT88A 4/4/2018
Lenovo H50-30g Desktop FCKT88A 4/4/2018
Lenovo M4500 FCKT88A 4/4/2018
Lenovo M4500 ID FCKT88A 4/4/2018
Lenovo M4550 ID FCKT88A 4/4/2018
Lenovo V320-15IAP O2XKT28A 2/7/2018
QITIAN 4500 FCKT88A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QITIAN 4500-C M0KKT30A- Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QITIAN B2300 M0IKT65A- see local servicer 2/7/2018
QITIAN B4550 FCKT88A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QITIAN B4650 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
QITIAN B5900 M0LKT21A 7/2/2018
QITIAN M2300 M0IKT65A- see local servicer 2/7/2018
QITIAN M4550 FCKT88A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QITIAN M4600 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
QITIAN M4650 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
QT M410/B415/M415 M16KT47A 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre E73 (SFF) FCKT88A 4/4/2018
ThinkCentre E73 (TWR) FCKT88A 4/4/2018
ThinkCentre E73s FCKT88A 4/4/2018
ThinkCentre E74 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre E74s M05KT77A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre E75 t/s M16KT47A 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre E93 (SFF) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre E93 (TWR) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre Edge 72 F1KT73A 3/27/2018
ThinkCentre M4350t/s F1KT73A 3/27/2018
ThinkCentre M4500k FCKT88A 4/4/2018
ThinkCentre M4500q FHKT76A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M4500t/s FCKT88A 4/4/2018
ThinkCentre M4600t/s M05KT77A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M600 M00KT57A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M610 M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkCentre M6500t/s - China only FBKTCLA 3/4/2018
ThinkCentre M6600 FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M6600q FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M6600t/s FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M700q FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M700t/s M05KT77A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M710e M1ZKT20A 4/26/2018
ThinkCentre M710q M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkCentre M710t/s M16KT47A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M715q M11KT43A 6/27/2018
ThinkCentre M715t/s O2VKT86A 6/27/2018
ThinkCentre M72e (Ivy) F1KT73A 3/27/2018
ThinkCentre M72e (Tiny) F4KT60A 3/16/2018
ThinkCentre M73 (SFF) FCKT88A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M73 (TWR) FCKT88A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M73 Tiny FHKT76A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M73p FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M79 (SFF) M0LKT21A 7/2/2018
ThinkCentre M79 (TWR) M0LKT21A 7/2/2018
ThinkCentre M800 FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M82 9SKT9AA 3/14/2018
ThinkCentre M83 (SFF) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M83 (Tiny) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M83 (TWR) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M8500t/s - China only FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M8600t/s FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M900 FWKT86A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M910 t/s M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkCentre M910q M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkCentre M910x M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkCentre M92 9SKT9AA 3/14/2018
ThinkCentre M92P 9SKT9AA 3/14/2018
ThinkCentre M93 FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M93P (SFF) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M93P (TWR) FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre M93P Tiny FBKTCUA 3/1/2018
ThinkCentre S510 M0UKT30A 2/7/2018
V520s-08IKL M16KT47A 3/1/2018
V520t-15IKL M16KT47A 3/1/2018
YANGTIAN A8900f FWKT86A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN AfH110 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN AfH81 FCKT88A 4/4/2018
YANGTIAN AfQ150 FWKT86A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN M6900e-00 M0UKT30A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN Mc H110 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN Mc H110 PCI M05KT77A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN Mc H81 FCKT88A 4/4/2018
YANGTIAN Me/We H110 M05KT77A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN Mf/Wf H110 PCI M05KT77A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN Mf/Wf H81 PCI FCKT88A 4/4/2018
YANGTIAN Ms/Ws H81 FCKT88A 4/4/2018
YANGTIAN Tc/Wc H110 PCI M05KT77A 2/7/2018

Desktop - All In One

Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
AIO 300-23ISU(C5130) O1LKT43A 4/4/2018
AIO 310-20IAP O2SKT36A 3/4/2018
AIO 510-22ISH O31KT21A 4/19/2018
AIO 510-23ISH O31KT21A 4/19/2018
AIO 520-22IKL O3CKT24A 6/8/2018
AIO 520-22IKU O3DKT24A 4/4/2018
AIO 520-24IKL O3CKT24A 6/8/2018
AIO 520-24IKU O3DKT24A 4/4/2018
AIO 520-27IKL O3EKT23A 4/19/2018
AIO 720-24IKB O2NKT26A 3/16/2018
AIO 910-27ISH O37KT10A 3/27/2018
AIO Y910-27ISH O2GKT25A 2/8/2018
IdeaCentre 520S-23IKU O34KT20A 4/19/2018
Lenovo S200z(S2010) M09KT36A 3/16/2018
QITIAN A3300 M02KT30A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QT A7400 M18KT21A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
QT A8150 IWKT51A - Contact your local servicer 7/2/2018
ThinkCentre E73Z (AIO) FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre E74z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre E93Z (AIO) FFKT48A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre E95z M1LKT17A
Contact your local servicer
ThinkCentre E62z F0KT50A 6/8/2018
ThinkCentre Edge 92z 9XKT39A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M62z F0KT50A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M700z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M7200z FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M7250z FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M72z F6KT48A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M7300z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M73Z (AIO) FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M800z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M810z M1CKT29A 3/16/2018
ThinkCentre M818z M1EKT12A 3/27/2018
ThinkCentre M8200z FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M8250z FGKT54A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M8300z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M8350z FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M83Z (AIO) FVKT56A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M900Z FUKT50A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M910z M1BKT36A 3/27/2018
ThinkCentre M92Z 9NKT75A 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M9350z FEKT9DA 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M93Z (AIO) FEKT9DA 4/19/2018
ThinkCentre M9500z FUKT50A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre M9550z FUKT50A 2/7/2018
ThinkCentre X1 AIO M0HKT38A 2/7/2018
YANGTIAN S3040 FGKT48A 4/19/2018
YANGTIAN S3150/V310z M18KT21A 4/19/2018
YANGTIAN S4150 M19KT14A - Contact your local servicer 6/8/2018
YANGTIAN S4250/V410z M17KT35A 3/14/2018
YANGTIAN S5250/V510z M1DKT22A 4/19/2018
YANGTIAN S800 FFKT48A 4/19/2018


Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
110-14IBR 1GCN25WW 7/10/2018
110-14ISK 1TCN26WW 5/21/2018
110-15IBR 1GCN25WW 7/10/2018
110-15ISK 1TCN26WW 5/21/2018
120s-11IAP 6GCN25WW 1/10/2018
120s-14IAP 6GCN25WW 1/10/2018
310S-11IAP 2MCN35WW 5/21/2018
310S-14AST 1RCN34WW(V1.14) 7/10/2018
310S-14ISK 0VCN29WW 2/7/2018
310S-15IKB 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
320-15IKBRA 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
320-15IKBRN 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
320-15IKBRN Touch 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
320-17ABR 5QCN22WW 7/10/2018
320-17AST 5PCN21WW 7/10/2018
320-17IKBRN 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
320S-13IKB / 小新 潮7000-13 5ZCN31WW 5/21/2018
320S-14IKB 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
320S-15ABR 5YCN20WW 7/10/2018
320S-15AST 5YCN20WW 7/10/2018
320S-15IKB 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
320S-15ISK 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
510S-13IKB 3PCN19WW 4/19/2018
510S-14IKB 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
510S-14ISK 0VCN29WW 2/7/2018
520-15IKBRN 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
520S-14IKB 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
700–14ISK (80QD) DBCN26WW 7/10/2018
700-15ISK E5CN62WW 5/21/2018
700-17ISK E5CN62WW 5/21/2018
710S Plus-13IKB 16G 3NCN32WW 5/21/2018
710S Plus-13ISK 3GCN24WW 5/21/2018
710S Plus-3IKB/XiaoXinAir13IKBPro/710S Plus Touch-13IKB 3NCN32WW 5/21/2018
720-15IKBR 6PCN18WW 4/4/2018
720S Touch-15IKB 6TCN29WW 5/21/2018
720S-13ARR 6KCN38WW 7/10/2018
720S-13IKB 5SCN38WW 4/4/2018
720S-13IKBR 6MCN21WW 4/4/2018
720S-14IKBR 6LCN20WW 4/19/2018
720S-15IKB 6TCN29WW 5/21/2018
B320-14IAP 5RCN31WW 2/7/2018
B320-14IKB 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
E41-15(Beema) Researching 2/7/2018
E41-15(CZ-L) 1UCN20WW 7/10/2018
E42-80 2WCN36WW 3/16/2018
E52-80 2WCN36WW 4/19/2018
E53-80 6SCN31WW 3/16/2018
Flex 3-1580 D3CN38WW 4/19/2018
Flex 4-1130 2MCN35WW 3/1/2018
FLEX 4-1435 1RCN34WW 7/10/2018
FLEX 4-1470 0VCN29WW 1/24/2018
FLEX 4-1480 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
Flex 4-1570 0VCN29WW 2/7/2018
FLEX 4-1580 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
FLEX 5-1470 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
FLEX 5-1570 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
ideapad 100S-14IBR E4CN36WW 5/21/2018
IdeaPad 110-15ISK 1TCN26WW 7/10/2018
ideapad 110S-11IBR 4HCN14WW 5/21/2018
Ideapad 2-in-1 11 2MCN35WW 3/1/2018
ideapad 2in1 14 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
IdeaPad 310-15ISK 0XCN44WW 5/21/2018
IdeaPad 500-15ISK CFCN25WW 7/10/2018
IdeaPad 500s-14ISK D3CN38WW 4/19/2018
IdeaPad 510-15IKB 3JCN30WW 7/10/2018
IdeaPad 700-17ISK E5CN62WW 7/10/2018
ideapad 720-15IKB 5LCN30WW 4/19/2018
K21-80 D8CN50WW 3/16/2018
K22-80/Lenovo V720-12 1NCN68WW 3/16/2018
K32-80 6RCN15WW 3/16/2018
K32-80 KBL Win10 6RCN15WW 4/19/2018
K41-70 C1CN76WW(Win10) 7/10/2018
C1CN33WW(Win7) 7/10/2018
K41-80/M41-80 D2CN59WW 5/21/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-14AST 5PCN21WW 7/10/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-14IAP 5RCN31WW 1/10/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-14IKB(I+A) 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-14IKB(I+N) 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-14ISK 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15ABR 5QCN22WW 7/10/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15AST 5PCN21WW 7/10/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15IAP 5RCN31WW 1/10/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15IKB(I+A) 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15IKB(I+N) 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15IKBN Touch 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-15ISK 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-17IKB/520-15IKB 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320-17ISK 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320s-14IKBR 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo ideapad 320s-15IKBR 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo ideapad 520s-14IKBR 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo ideapad 720S-14IKB 4VCN44WW 4/19/2018
Lenovo ideapad FLEX 5-1470 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo ideapad FLEX 5-1570 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo ideapad Y520-15IKBN 4KCN43WW 5/21/2018
Lenovo TianYi 310-14IKB/Lenovo TianYi 310-15IKB 5UCN14WW 3/16/2018
Lenovo V320-17IKB 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo V320-17ISK 4WCN39WW 3/7/2018
Lenovo XiaoXin Rui7000 3ZCN41WW 3/16/2018
Lenovo Y520-15IKBA 5JCN23WW 4/4/2018
Lenovo Y520-15IKBM 5XCN22WW 3/16/2018
Lenovo YOGA 520-14IKB/Lenovo YOGA 520-15IKB 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
MIIX 210-10ICR 1HCN44WW - Contact your local servicer 4/19/2018
Miix 320-10ICR 5HCN35WW 3/7/2018
Miix 510-12IKB 4XCN27WW 4/4/2018
Miix 510-12ISK 2KCN37WW 4/4/2018
MIIX 520-12IKB 6NCN27WW 4/19/2018
MIIX 720-12IKB 3SCN64WW 4/19/2018
N22P(Lenovo 100e ) 6ZCN09WW 3/1/2018
N24 6HCN20WW 3/1/2018
N42-20 Chromebook Not Affected 5/21/2018
N42-20 Touch Chromebook Not Affected 5/21/2018
Nano110-14IKB/Nano110-15IKB 5UCN14WW 3/16/2018
Rescuer E520-15IKB 3ZCN41WW 3/16/2018
Rescuer R720-15IKBM 5XCN22WW 3/16/2018
Rescuer Y520-15IKBM 5XCN22WW 3/16/2018
V110-14AST 1PCN66WW 7/10/2018
V110-14IAP 1MCN45WW 2/8/2018
V110-15AST 1PCN66WW 7/10/2018
V110-15IAP 1MCN45WW 2/8/2018
V110-15IKB 2TCN29WW 4/19/2018
V110-15ISK 1KCN43WW 3/1/2018
V110-17IKB 4LCN16WW 5/21/2018
V110-17ISK 4TCN10WW 5/21/2018
V310-14IKB 2WCN36WW 3/7/2018
V310-14ISK 0ZCN44WW 2/7/2018
V310-15IKB 2WCN36WW 3/7/2018
V310-15ISK 0ZCN44WW 2/7/2018
V330-14IKB 6UCN48WW 5/21/2018
V330-14ISK 6UCN48WW 5/21/2018
V330-15IKB 6SCN31WW 3/16/2018
V330-15ISK 6SCN31WW 4/19/2018
V510-14IKB 2WCN36WW 3/7/2018
V510-15IKB 2WCN36WW 3/7/2018
V730-13IKB 6RCN15WW 4/19/2018
V730-13ISK 6RCN15WW 4/19/2018
V730-15IKB 6TCN29WW 5/21/2018
XiaoXin 510S-14IKB 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
XiaoXin 510S-14ISK 0VCN29WW 43,139.00
XiaoXin Air 13 0NCN41WW 7/10/2018
320-15IKB 6JCN24WW 3/7/2018
Y920-17IKB 5KCN15WW 5/21/2018
Yoga 310-11IAP 2MCN35WW 3/1/2018
YOGA 510-14AST 1RCN34WW(V1.14) 7/10/2018
YOGA 510-14IKB 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
YOGA 510-14ISK 0VCN29WW 2/7/2018
YOGA 510-15IKB 2SCN27WW 4/19/2018
YOGA 510-15ISK 0VCN29WW 2/7/2018
YOGA 520-14IKB 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
Yoga 700-14ISK DBCN26WW 7/10/2018
YOGA 710-11IKB 3RCN27WW 5/21/2018
Yoga 710-11ISK 0UCN25WW 5/21/2018
Yoga 710-14IKB 2XCN37WW 4/19/2018
Yoga 710-14ISK 0GCN23WW 5/21/2018
YOGA 710-15IKB 2XCN37WW 4/19/2018
Yoga 710-15ISK 0GCN23WW 5/21/2018
YOGA 720-12IKB 5GCN23WW 3/16/2018
Yoga 720-13IKB 1YCN39WW 4/19/2018
Yoga 720-13IKBR 1YCN39WW 4/19/2018
Yoga 720-15IKB 4MCN31WW 4/4/2018
YOGA 920-13IKB 5NCN38WW 3/16/2018
ZhaoYang K42-80 / Lenovo V720-14 4VCN44WW 4/19/2018
小新 潮7000 U42 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
小新 潮7000-15 U42 4QCN43WW 4/4/2018
拯救者 R720-15IKBA/拯救者 Y520-15IKBA 5JCN23WW 4/4/2018
拯救者 R720-15IKBN 4KCN43WW 7/10/2018
拯救者 Y520-15IKBN 4KCN43WW 7/10/2018
拯救者 Y720-15IKB/Lenovo Y720-15IKB 4GCN35WW 7/10/2018
昭阳E43-80 KBL 6UCN48WW - Contact your local servicer 5/21/2018


Product Minimum Version Required to Fix Last Updated
IdeaTab S6000-F Not affected 2018-01-09
IdeaTab S6000-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A5500-F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A5500-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A5500-HV Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7600-F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7600-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7600-HV Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7800-F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7800-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo A7800-HV Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo AR-7561N Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo B6000-F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo B6000-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo B6000-HV Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo B8000-F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo B8000-H Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB1-750M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB1-750N(PRC) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB1-770M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB1-770N(PRC) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB2-650M (ROW SKU) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB2-650N (PRC SKU) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB2-650Y (AG SKU) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB2-670M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo PB2-670N Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70LC Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TAB 2 A7-30 Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TAB 2 A7-30 Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo Tab 2 A8-50F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo Tab 2 A8-50L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo Tab 2 A8-50LC Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB2-X30F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB2-X30L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB2-X30X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-710F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-710I Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-730F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-730X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-850F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-850M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-X70F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-X70I Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB3-X70L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7304F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7304I Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7304X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7504F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7504X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7703F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-7703X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8504F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8504X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8703F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8703R Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8703X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8704F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-8704X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X103F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X304F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X304L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X304N(PRC) Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X304X Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X704A Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X704F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X704L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo TB-X704Y Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YB1-X90F 04WT23WW 2018-10-24
Lenovo YB1-X90L 04WT23WW 2018-10-24
Lenovo YB1-X91F 04WT23WW 2018-10-24
Lenovo YB1-X91L 04WT23WW 2018-10-24
Lenovo YB1-X91X 04WT23WW 2018-10-24
Lenovo YB-Q501F Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YB-Q501L Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT3-850F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3-850L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3-850M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3–X50F Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3–X50L Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3–X50M Not affected 2018-01-09
Lenovo YT3-X90F Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT3-X90L Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT3-X90X Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT3-X90Y(PRC) Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT3-X90Z(PRC) Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT-X703F Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT-X703L Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
Lenovo YT-X703X Intel no longer supports 2018-06-18
YOGA TABLET 10 HD+ Not affected 2018-01-09



Product Machine Types Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
ThinkPad 10 20E3, 20E4 N1AETC1W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad 11e / ThinkPad 11e Yoga (APL) 20HT, 20HV R0KET30W 1/24/2018
ThinkPad 11e / ThinkPad 11e Yoga (KBL) 20HS 20HU R0LET28W 4/4/2018
ThinkPad 11e/Yoga 11e (Beema)   JIET33WW 7/10/2018
ThinkPad 11e/Yoga 11e (Broadwell) 20E6, 20E8, 20E5, 20E7 JHET67WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad 11e/Yoga 11e(Braswell)   R0AET37W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad 11e/Yoga 11e(Skylake) 20G9, 20GB, 20G8, 20GA R0BET35W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad 13 (KBL) 20J1, 20J2, 20J3 R0JET32W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad 13 (SKL) 20GJ, 20GK, 20GU R0CET38W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad A275   R0NET34W 6/18/2018
ThinkPad A475   R04ET33W 7/10/2018
ThinkPad E450/E450c/E550/E550c 20DC, 20DD J5ET60WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad E455/E555 20DE, 20Dh HTET54WW 7/10/2018
ThinkPad E460/E560 20ET, 20EU, 20EV, 20EW R00ET58W 2/27/2018
ThinkPad E465/E565 20EX, 20EY R01ET42W 6/18/2018
ThinkPad E470/E570 20H1, 20H2, 20H3
20H5, 20H6, 20H7
R0DET92W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad E475/E575 20H4, 20H8 R0EET46W 6/18/2018
ThinkPad E480/E580 20KN, 20KQ, 20KS, 20KT R0PET36W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad E485/E585   Not Affected 5/21/2018
ThinkPad E570 / ThinkPad S5 20H5, 20H6, 20H7, 20JA R0MET41W 3/4/2018
ThinkPad Edge E440/E540 20C5, 20C6 J9ETA1WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad Edge E445/E545 20B1, 20B2 HRET30WW 6/18/2018
ThinkPad Helix 20CG, 20CH N17ET98W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad Helix (3xxx) 3697, 3698, 3700, 3701, 3702 GFET59WW 3/13/2018
ThinkPad L380/S3 3rd Gen
ThinkPad L380 Yoga/S2 Yoga 3rd Gen
20M5, 20M6, 20M7, 20M8 R0RET26W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad L430/L530 2464, 2465, 2466, 2468 G3ETB0WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad L440/L540 20AS, 20AT J4ET91WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad L450 20DS, 20DT JDET65WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad L460 20FU, 20FV R08ET57W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad L470 (KBL) 20J4, 20J5 R0GET63W 4/4/2018
ThinkPad L470 (SKL) 20JU, 20JV R0GET63W 4/26/2018
ThinkPad L480/L580 20LS, 20LT R0QET38W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad L560 20F1, 20F2 N1HET71W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad L570 20J8, 20J9, 20JQ, 20JR N1XET51W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad P40 Yoga 20GQ, 20GR R05ET75W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad P50 20EN, 20EQ N1EET75W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad P50s 20FK, 20FL N1KET36W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad P51 20HH, 20HJ N1UET46W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad P51s 20JY, 20K0 N1VET41W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad P51s 20HB, 20HC N1VET41W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad P52s 20Lx N27ET23W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad P70 20ER, 20ES N1DET95W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad P71 20HK, 20HL N1TET46W 3/4/2018
ThinkPad S1 Yoga (Non-vPro) 20C0, 20CD GQET56WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad S1 Yoga (vPro)   B0ET40WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad S1 Yoga 12 20DL, 20DK JEET81WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad S3 Yoga 14 20DM, 20DN JGET31WW
ThinkPad S3-S440 20AY, 20BB J3ET70WW 4/19/2018
ThinkPad S430 3364 GAETA5WW 3/13/2018
ThinkPad S5 Yoga 15 20DQ, 20DR N19ET56W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad S5/E560p 20G5, 20G4 R09ET64W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad S531 20B0 GKET40WW 3/13/2018
ThinkPad S540 20B3 GPET74WW 3/9/2018
ThinkPad T25 20K7 N1QET72W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T420, T420i   83ET80WW 3/9/2018
ThinkPad T420s, T420si   8CET64WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad T430, T430i 2342, 2344, 2345, 2347, 2349 G1ETB5WW 3/9/2018
ThinkPad T430s 2352, 2353, 2354,2355 G7ETB0WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad T430u 3351, 3352,3353, 6273 H6ETA0WW 7/10/2018
ThinkPad T431s 20A9, 20AA, 20AB, 20AC GHET38WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad T440/T440s 20B6, 20B7, 20AQ, 20AR GJET97WW 3/7/2018
ThinkPad T440p 20AN, 20AW GLET94WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T450/T450s 20BU, 20BV, 20DJ
20BW, 20BX
JBET68WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T460 20FM, 20FN R06ET58W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad T460p 20FW, 20FX R07ET82W 2/12/2018
ThinkPad T460s 20F9, 20FA N1CET63W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad T470 20HD, 20HE N1QET72W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T470 20JM, 20JN N1QET72W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T470p 20J6, 20J7 R0FET41W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad T470s 20HF, 20HG N1WET45W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad T470s 20JS, 20JT N1WET45W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad T480 20L5, 20L6 N24ET36W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad T480s 20GB, 20BH N22ET33W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad T520, T520i   8AET67WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad T530, T530i 2359, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2429 G4ETB1WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad T540/T540p 20BE, 20BF GMET83W 3/13/2018
ThinkPad T550 20CJ, 20CK N11ET44W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad T560 20FH, 20FJ N1KET36W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad T570 20H9, 20HA N1VET41W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T570 20JW, 20HJX N1VET41W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad T580 20LA, 20L9 N27ET23W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad Tablet 10 (32-bit) 20C1, 20C3 GUET83WW 2/21/2018
ThinkPad Tablet 10 (64-bit) 20C1, 20C3 GWET46WW 2/21/2018
ThinkPad Tablet 8 (32-bit) 20BN, 20BQ GTET75WW 1/8/2018
ThinkPad Tablet 8 (64-bit) 20BN, 20BQ GYET37WW 1/8/2018
ThinkPad Twist/S230u 20C4, 3347 GDETB5WW 3/13/2018
ThinkPad W520   8BET64WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad W530 2436, 2438, 2439, 2441, 2447, 2449, 2463 G5ETB0WW 3/21/2018
ThinkPad W540/W541 20GB, 20BH GNET86WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad W550s 20E1, 20E2 N11ET44W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X1; X1 Hybrid   8MET72W 3/21/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon (20Ax) 20A7, 20A8 GRET56WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon (20Bx) 20BS 20BT N14ET46W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon (20Hx) 20HQ, 20HR N1MET45W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon (20Kx) 20K4, 20K3 N1MET45W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon (34xx) 3443, 3444, 3446, 3448, 3460, 3462, 3463 G6ETB9WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon 20KH, 20KG N23ET37W 3/9/2018
ThinkPad X1 Carbon, X1 Yoga 20FB, 20FC, 20FQ, 20FR N1FET59W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad X1 Tablet 20GG, 20GH N1LET73W 2/21/2018
ThinkPad X1 Tablet 20JB, 20JC N1OET40W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X1 Tablet 20Kx Not Affected 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X1 Yoga (2nd Gen) 20JD, 20JE, 20JF, 20JG N1NET38W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X1 Yoga 20Lx N25ET24W 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X131e (AMD)   Not Affected 5/21/2018
ThinkPad X131e (Intel)   G8ETA9WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad X140e (AMD) 20BL, 20BM GSET70WW 5/21/2018
ThinkPad X220, X220i, X220 Tablet   8DET74WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad X230 Tablet; X230i Tablet 3434, 3435, 3436, 3437, 3438, 3441, 3442 GCETA9WW 3/20/2018
ThinkPad X230, X230i 2306, 2320, 2322, 2324, 2325, 2330, 2333 G2ETB1WW 3/13/2018
ThinkPad X230s/X231s 20AH, 20A3 GGET31WW 3/9/2018
ThinkPad X240 20AL, 20AM GIET92WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X240s 20AJ, 20AK GIET92WW 3/12/2018
ThinkPad X250 20CM, 20CL N10ET50W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X250 20CM, 20CL N10ET50W 3/7/2018
ThinkPad X260 20F5, 20F6 R02ET63W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad X270 20HM, 20HN R0IET51W 3/4/2018
ThinkPad X270 20K5, 20K6 R0IET51W 3/4/2018
ThinkPad X280 20KE, 20KF N20ET27W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad X380 Yoga 20LH, 20LJ R0SET25W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad Yoga 370 /ThinkPad S1 3rd 20JH, 20JJ R0HET45W 3/1/2018
ThinkPad Yoga 11e 20Dx N15ET72W 2/7/2018
ThinkPad Yoga 14 460 S3 20FY, 20EL,20EM, 20G0, 20G1 R05ET75W 2/8/2018
ThinkPad Yoga 260, S1 20FD, 20FE, 20GS, 20GT, 20FS, 20FT N1GET84W 2/7/2018



Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
ThinkStation C30 (type 1136-1137) A3KT64A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation D30 (type 4353-4354) A3KT64A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation E31 9SKT9AA 3/14/2018
ThinkStation E32 FBKTCUA 3/4/2018
ThinkStation P300 FBKTCUA 3/4/2018
ThinkStation P310 FWKT87A 2/7/2018
ThinkStation P318 M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkStation P320 S06KT29A 3/14/2018
ThinkStation P320 Tiny M1AKT34A 3/7/2018
ThinkStation P410 S00KT57A 3/27/2018
ThinkStation P500 A4KT99A 4/3/2018
ThinkStation P510 S00KT57A 3/27/2018
ThinkStation P520 S03KT12A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation P520c S03KT12A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation P700 A5KT99A 4/3/2018
ThinkStation P710 S01KT57A 3/27/2018
ThinkStation P720 S04KT20A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation P900 A6KT99A 4/3/2018
ThinkStation P910 S02KT57A 3/27/2018
ThinkStation P920 S05KT20A 4/19/2018
ThinkStation S30 (type 4351-4352) A2KT64A 4/19/2018




Converged and ThinkAgile Solutions

Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
Lenovo Converged HX1310, HX2310-E, HX3310, HX3310-F TBE132M 3/12/2018
Lenovo Converged HX3500, HX5500, HX7500 TCE132N 3/12/2018
Lenovo Converged HX3510-G, HX5510, HX5510-C, HX7510 TCE132O 3/12/2018
Lenovo Converged HX3710, HX3710-F, HX2710-E SD350790 3/12/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile HX1320, HX2320-e, HX3320 IVE116S 3/12/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile HX1520-R, HX3520-G, HX5520-C, HX5520, HX7520 IVE116S 3/12/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile HX2720-E, HX3720 TEE120R 3/12/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile SXM4200, SXM6200, SXM4400, SXM6400 ThinkAgile SXM 3/29/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile SXN ThinkAgile SXN 3/29/2018
Lenovo ThinkAgile VX3320, VX5520, VX7520 IVE114W 3/22/2018

HPC Storage Solutions

GSS and DSS-G customers are advised to install the below GSS 3.3a and DSS-G 2.0a update packages in their entirety, following the accompanying update procedure. GSS and DSS-G customers should not apply either UEFI or RHEL patches individually on their GSS and DSS-G servers, to avoid incompatibilities with other solution components. Please also refer to Scalable Infrastructure/Intelligent Cluster” for information regarding other cluster solution components.

Note that GSS servers need to be equipped with at least 128GB of memory before they can be updated to GSS Version 3.3.

Solution Status Minimum Fix Version Link to Update Last Updated
IBM GSS Version 1.x (using GPFS 3.5), on GSS server machine type 7915 Affected GSS 3.3a
(must use GPFS 4.1.1) 3/30/2018
IBM GSS Version 2.0 (using GPFS 4.1), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460 Affected GSS 3.3a
(can use GPFS 4.1.1 or GPFS 4.2.3) 3/30/2018
Lenovo GSS Version 2.5.0 to 2.5.9 (using GPFS 4.1), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460, 5462, 8871 Affected GSS 3.3a
(can use GPFS 4.1.1 or GPFS 4.2.3) 3/30/2018
Lenovo GSS Version 2.5.10 to 3.0 (using GPFS 4.2), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460, 5462, 8871 Affected GSS 3.3a
(must use GPFS 4.2.3) 3/30/2018
Lenovo GSS Version 3.1 to 3.2 (using GPFS 4.1), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460, 5462, 8871 Affected GSS 3.3a
(can use GPFS 4.1.1 or GPFS 4.2.3) 3/30/2018
Lenovo GSS Version 3.1 to 3.2 (using GPFS 4.2), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460, 5462, 8871 Affected GSS 3.3a
(must use GPFS 4.2.3) 3/30/2018
Lenovo GSS Version 3.3 (using GPFS 4.1 or 4.2), on GSS server machine type 7915, 5460, 5462, 8871 Not Affected     3/30/2018
Solution Status Minimum Fix Version Link to Update Last Updated
Lenovo DSS-G Version 1.0 to 1.2 (using GPFS 4.2), on DSS-G server machine type 8871 Affected DSS-G 2.0a
(must use GPFS 4.2) 3/30/2018
Lenovo DSS-G Version 2.0 (using GPFS 4.2), on DSS-G server machine type 8871, 7X06 Not Affected     3/30/2018


Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
Lenovo xClarity Controller (LXCC) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
ODC5200 – CN650S Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkServer Management Module (TSM / TMM) Not Affected 1/8/2018
ThinkServer RD350G Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD350X Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD450X Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkSystem HR630X Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkSystem HR650X Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018
ThinkSystem SR630 Contact your Lenovo account manager for update details 3/7/2018

Networking Switches

Product Firmware BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Last Updated
Hitachi EN2092 1/10GB LAN Switch Not Affected 6/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System EN2092 1Gb Ethernet Scalable Switch Not Affected 6/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System EN4023 10Gb Scalable Switch Not Affected 1/14/2018
Lenovo Flex System EN4091 10Gb Ethernet Pass-thru Not Affected 1/17/2018
Lenovo Flex System EN6131 40Gb Ethernet Switch Not Affected 1/14/2018
Lenovo Flex System FC5022 16Gb SAN Scalable Switches Not Affected 2/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System Fabric CN4093 10Gb Converged Scalable Switch Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System Fabric EN4093R 10Gb Scalable Switch Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System Fabric SI4093 10Gb System Interconnect Module Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo Flex System IB6131 InfiniBand Switch Not Affected 1/14/2018
Lenovo Flex System SI4091 System Interconnect Module Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo Rack Switch G8272-CNOS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G7028 (ThinkAgile CX2200) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G7052 (ThinkAgile CX4200/CX4600) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8052 Not Affected 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8124E (ThinkAgile CX2200) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8264 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8264CS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8272 (ThinkAgile CX4200/CX4600) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8296 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8296-CNOS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8332 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8332-CNOS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8432 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8432-CNOS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8472 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch G8472-CNOS Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch NE10032 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch NE1072T, 1032T, 1032 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch NE2572 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo RackSwitch NE2572-R Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018

Scalable Infrastructure/Intelligent Cluster

Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure/Intelligent Cluster customers are advised to await the availability of an update to the Best Recipe upon which their cluster was manufactured. Customers should not apply Best Recipe code components individually (e.g., either UEFI, RHEL. or SUSE patches) on their servers to avoid incompatibilities with other solution components.

Solution Title Status Minimum Fix
Link to Update Last Updated
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 18A Best Recipe Not Affected     4/4/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 17E Best Recipe Affected see 17E.1 17E.1 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 17D Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 17C Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 17B Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 17A Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 16C Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure Release 16B Best Recipe Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Intelligent Cluster 1410 16A (06/23/2016) Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Intelligent Cluster 1410 15C (11/20 /2015) Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Intelligent Cluster 1410 15B (09/24/2015) Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Intelligent Cluster 1410 15A (03/09/2015) Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018
Intelligent Cluster 1410 14B (11/21/2014) Affected see Best Recipe Security Bulletin update Security Bulletin 4/19/2018

Server Management Software

Product Minimum Fix
Last Updated
Bootable Media Creator (BoMC) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Diagnostics - LTDE Not Affected 1/11/2018
Diagnostics - LTDS v1.11.4 3/16/2018
EasyStartup - TS140, TS440, RS140 v3.8.1s 3/19/2018
EasyStartup - SD350 v4.0.8 3/19/2018
EasyStartup - TS450, TS150, TS460, RS160 v4.2.5 3/19/2018
EasyUpdate - TS150, TS460, RS160 v1.10.0034 3/19/2018
EasyUpdate - TS450, TS140, TS440, RS140, SD350, HX3710, HX3710-F, HX2710-E v1.9.9072 3/19/2018
LBV(DSS) Not Affected 1/11/2018
Lenovo xClarity Administrator (LXCA) v2.0.0 3/16/2018
Lenovo xClarity Essentials (LXCE) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
OSPUT Not Affected 1/11/2018
PowerPlanner (locally run) Not Affected 1/11/2018
PowerPlanner (running remotely) Not Affected 1/11/2018
SCCM plug-in Not Affected 1/11/2018
SCOM plug-in Not Affected 1/11/2018
ThinkServer Deployment Manager Not Affected 1/11/2018
ThinkServer Energy Manager Not Affected 1/11/2018
ToolCenter Suite CLI Inventory module on ThinkServer Not Affected 1/11/2018
TSMCLI Not Affected 1/11/2018
UXSP Not Affected 1/11/2018
vCenter plug-in Not Affected 1/11/2018


Product Firmware BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Last Updated
B300 Fiber Channel Switch Not Affected 1/7/2018
B6505 Fiber Channel Switch Not Affected 1/7/2018
B6510 Fiber Channel Switch Not Affected 1/7/2018
D1212/D1224 Series Expansion Not Affected 1/7/2018
D3284 HD JBOD/EBOD Not Affected 1/7/2018
E1212/E1224 EXP2 Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo Storage D1012/D1024 Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo Storage E1012/E1024 (WW) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo Storage S2200/S3200 Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo Storage SBOD (PRC) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo ThinkSystem DB400D 32Gb FC SAN Directors Not Affected 2/7/2018
Lenovo ThinkSystem DB610S 32Gb FC SAN Switch Not Affected 1/14/2018
Lenovo ThinkSystem DB620S 32Gb FC SAN Switch Not Affected 2/7/2018
Lenovo ThinkSystem DB800D 32Gb FC SAN Directors Not Affected 2/7/2018
Lenovo V3700 V2 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo V3700 V2 XP Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo V5030/V5030F Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
Lenovo V7000 Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
LenovoEMC EZ Media & Backup (hm3) Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC ix2/ix2-dl Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC ix4-300d (inc DL) Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC Px12-400r 4.1.312.34560 4/26/2018
LenovoEMC Px12-450r 4.1.312.34560 4/26/2018
LenovoEMC px2-300d (inc NVR) Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC px4-300d (inc NVR) Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC px4-300r Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC px4-400d (inc NVR) Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC px4-400r Not Affected 1/17/2018
LenovoEMC px6-300d Not Affected 1/17/2018
N3310 VB3TS452 3/14/2018
N4610 PB2TS452 3/14/2018
StorSelect DX8200C v2.53 4/5/2018
StorSelect DX8200D v2.53 4/5/2018
StorSelect DX8200N v2.53 4/5/2018
ThinkServer Storage SA120 Not Affected 1/7/2018
ThinkSystem DS2200 Not Affected 1/9/2018
ThinkSystem DS4200 Not Affected 1/9/2018
ThinkSystem DS6200 Not Affected 2/7/2018

System x - IBM

IBM has posted a security advisory for legacy systems here:

Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
Advanced Management Module (AMM) Not Affected 1/11/2018
BladeCenter HS12 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/27/2018
BladeCenter HS22 P9E164C 4/26/2018
BladeCenter HS22V P9E164C 4/26/2018
BladeCenter HS23 (MTM 7875, 1929) TKE152C 3/7/2018
BladeCenter HS23E (MTM 8038, 8039) AHE154C 3/7/2018
BladeCenter HX5 MLE187B 3/30/2018
Chassis Management Module (CMM) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Fan Power Controller (FPC) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Flex System x220 (MTM 7906, 2585) KSE152C 3/7/2018
Flex System x222 (MTM 7916) CCE152D 3/7/2018
Flex System x240 (MTM 8737, 8738, 7863, 8956) B2E156D 3/7/2018
Flex System x280 X6 (MTM 7903) N2E126D 3/7/2018
Flex System x440 M4 (MTM 7167, 7917, 2584, 2590) CNE158C 3/7/2018
Flex System x480 X6 (MTM 7903) N2E126D 3/7/2018
Flex System x880 X6 (MTM 7903) N2E126D 3/7/2018
iDataPlex dx360 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
iDataPlex dx360 M2 TME162A 5/2/2018
iDataPlex dx360 M3 TME162A 5/2/2018
iDataPlex dx360 M4 (MTM 7912, 7918) TDE150C 3/7/2018
Integrated Management Module v1 (IMM1) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Integrated Management Module v2 (IMM2) Not Affected 1/7/2018
NeXtScale nx360 M4 (MTM 5455) FHE116D 3/7/2018
System x3100 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3100 M2 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3100 M3 Affected, but no UEFI update is currently available.  3/16/2018
System x3100 M4 (MTM 2582) JQE180C 3/7/2018
System x3100 M5 (MTM 5457) J9E128F 3/7/2018
System x3105 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from AMD 3/14/2018
System x3200 M2 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/26/2018
System x3200 M3 GYE163A 4/16/2018
System x3250 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3250 M2 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3250 M3 GYE163A 4/16/2018
System x3250 M4 (MTM 2583) JQE180C 3/7/2018
System x3250 M5 (MTM 5458) JUE128F 3/7/2018
System x3300 M4 (MTM 7382) YAE152C 3/7/2018
System x336 Not Affected 1/8/2018
System x3400 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3400 M2 Affected, but no UEFI update is currently available.  3/16/2018
System x3400 M3 Y4E160C 5/2/2018
System x3500 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3500 M2 Y4E160C 5/2/2018
System x3500 M3 Y4E160C 5/2/2018
System x3500 M4 (MTM 7383) Y5E152E 3/7/2018
System x3530 M4 (MTM 7160) BEE160C 3/7/2018
System x3550 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/9/2018
System x3550 M2 D6E163A 4/18/2018
System x3550 M3 D6E163A 4/18/2018
System x3550 M4 (MTM 7914) D7E160D 3/7/2018
System x3620 M3 HSE126B 5/2/2018
System x3630 M3 HSE126B 5/2/2018
System x3630 M4 (MTM 7158) BEE160C 3/7/2018
System x3650 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from Intel 3/22/2018
System x3650 M2 D6E163A 4/18/2018
System x3650 M3 D6E163A 4/18/2018
System x3650 M4 (MTM 7915) VVE156D 3/7/2018
System x3650 M4 BD YOE122D 3/7/2018
System x3650 M4 HD (MTM 5460) VVE156D 3/7/2018
System x3690 X5 MLE187B 3/30/2018
System x3750 M4 (MTM 8722, 8733, 8752, 8718) KOE154C 3/7/2018
System x3755 (MTM 7163) Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from AMD 3/9/2018
System x3755 M3 Affected, but no CPU microcode update is currently available from AMD 3/9/2018
System x3850 X5 (MTM 7143, 7145, 7146, 7191) G0E187B 3/30/2018
System x3850 X6 (MTM 3837, 3839) A8E124H 3/7/2018
System x3950 X5 (MTM 7143, 7145, 7146, 7191) G0E187B 3/30/2018
System x3950 X6 (MTM 3837, 3839) A8E124H 3/7/2018

System x - Lenovo

Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
Chassis Management Module (CMM) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Flex System x240 M4 (MTM 2588, 7162) A3E116E 3/7/2018
Flex System x240 M5 (MTM 9532) C4E132J 3/8/2018
Flex System x280 X6 (MTM 7196) N3E142O 3/7/2018
Flex System x480 X6 (MTM 7196) N3E142O 3/7/2018
Flex System x880 X6 (MTM 7196) N3E142O 3/7/2018
Flex System x440 M4 (MTM 7167, 2590) CGE116C 3/7/2018
Integrated Management Module v2 (IMM2) Not Affected 1/7/2018
NeXtScale nx360 M5 (MTM 5465, 5467) THE132K 2/27/2018
System x3250 M6 (MTM 3633, 3943) M3E124L 2/21/2018
System x3500 M5 (MTM 5464) TAE132J 2/27/2018
System x3550 M5 (MTM 5463, 8869) TBE132L 2/24/2018
System x3650 M5 (MTM 5462, 8871) TCE132N 2/24/2018
System x3750 M4 (MTM 8753) A5E118C 3/7/2018
System x3850 X6 (MTM 6241) A9E142R 3/7/2018
System x3950 X6 (MTM 6241) A9E142R 3/7/2018


Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
ThinkServer Management Module (TSM / TMM) Not Affected 3/8/2018
ThinkServer RD340 A0TSE2H 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD350 VB3TS443 2/26/2018
ThinkServer RD440 A0TSE2H 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD450 VB3TS443 2/26/2018
ThinkServer RD540 A1TSE2H 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD550 PB1TS443 2/26/2018
ThinkServer RD640 A1TSE2H 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RD650 PB2TS443 2/26/2018
ThinkServer RQ940 S4L_3A22 4/26/2018
ThinkServer RQ750 RQ750724 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RS140 FBKTA8C 3/2/2018
ThinkServer RS160 VB1TS259 2/23/2018
ThinkServer RS240 FBKTA8C 3/7/2018
ThinkServer RS260 VB1TS259 3/7/2018
ThinkServer SD350 SD350402 2/23/2018
ThinkServer TD340 A3TSE2H 3/7/2018
ThinkServer TD350 TB5TS443 2/23/2018
ThinkServer TS140 FBKTCVA 3/2/2018
ThinkServer TS150 S06KT03U 2/23/2018
ThinkServer TS240 FBKTCVA 3/7/2018
ThinkServer TS250 S06KT03U 3/7/2018
ThinkServer TS440 FBKTCVA 3/2/2018
ThinkServer TS450 FWKT81B 2/8/2018
ThinkServer TS460 VB1TS259 2/23/2018
ThinkServer TS540 FBKTCVA 3/7/2018
ThinkServer TS550 FWKT81B 3/7/2018
ThinkServer TS560 VB1TS259 3/7/2018


Product Firmware/BIOS/UEFI
Minimum Fix
Firmware/BIOS/UEFI Status Last Updated
Chassis Management Module (CMM) Not Affected 1/7/2018
Lenovo xClarity Controller (LXCC) Vulnerabilities are mitigated by design 6/7/2018
System Management Module (SMM) Not Affected 1/7/2018
ThinkSystem SD530 (MTM 7X20, 7X21, 7X22) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SN550 (MTM 7X16) IVE114W 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SN850 (MTM 7X15) IVE114W 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR530 (MTM 7X07, 7X08) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR550 (MTM 7X03, 7X04) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR570 (MTM 7Y02, 7Y03) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR590 (MTM 7X98, 7X99) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR630 (MTM 7X01, 7X02) IVE114W 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR650 (MTM 7X05, 7X06) IVE114W 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR850 (MTM 7X18, 7X19) TEE120R 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR860 (MTM 7X69, 7X70) TEE118P 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem SR950 (MTM 7X11, 7X12, 7X13) PSE110P 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem ST550 (MTM 7X09, 7X10) O0E110Q 2/18/2018
ThinkSystem ST558 O0E110Q 3/7/2018

Alias Id:LEN-18282
Document ID:PS500151
Original Publish Date:01/04/2018
Last Modified Date:10/03/2022