ThinkReality A3 Glasses with Moto Phone and ThinkReality Cloud Portal - Industrial Edition: FAQ's and Troubleshooting

ThinkReality A3 Glasses with Moto Phone and ThinkReality Cloud Portal - Industrial Edition: FAQ’s and Troubleshooting

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ThinkReality A3 Glasses with Moto Phone and ThinkReality Cloud Portal - Industrial Edition: FAQ’s and Troubleshooting

Describes the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and Troubleshooting for the ThinkReality A3 "Industrial Edition".

ThinkReality A3 "Industrial Edition" Components

Note: ThinkReality AR software will only properly run on Moto phones that have been purchased along with the ThinkReality A3 Industrial Kit from Lenovo. Moto phones purchased with the Industrial Kit from Lenovo contain specialized software updates that are required for ThinkReality AR. This software update is not available on Moto phones purchased from Motorola. ThinkReality AR will not operate properly if the Moto phone does not contain the specialized software.

Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's)

  • What device, Moto phone or ThinkReality A3 glasses, is registered with the ThinkReality Cloud Portal?
    • The Moto phone serial number, not the IMEI, is registered.
  • How to identify the Moto phone Serial Number (SN), not the IMEI?
    • The following methods are available:
      • From Device Settings menu, select About Phone, then select Model & Hardware
      • From Device Information by pressing the following key sequence: * # 0 6 #
        Device Information
  • How to identify the system version of the Moto phone?
    • The system version of the Motorola phone is displayed in the Settings app. To view the system version navigate to the System update screen in the Settings app.
      Settings > System > Advanced > System Updates
      A3 System Version
  • Can the Moto, phone or the ThinkReality Cloud Portal, identify the ThinkReality A3 Serial Number?
  • When the ThinkReality A3 is connected to the Moto phone, does the ThinkReality A3 utilize the Motorola's Ready For?
  • Can the Moto phone or the ThinkReality Cloud Portal update the ThinkReality A3 glasses device drivers, firmware or software?
    • Yes. The ThinkReality Cloud Portal can update the ThinkReality A3 firmware by using the same Over-The-Air (OTA) method as app (A3 Home, A3 Companion, A3 App Space) deployment. The ThinkReality A3 glasses must be connected during the ThinkReality A3 firmware update process. A notification, on the ThinkReality Cloud Portal, indicates the installation progress of the firmware update.
  • What is the recommended specifications for a customer-supplied USB battery pack?
    • A USB battery pack powers the ThinkReality A3 glasses, allowing the Moto phone to operate on the Moto phone's battery. The recommended specifications are 2.1A/5V (minimum) with a USB-C or USB-A Connector.
    • When connected the following are typical runtimes:
      • Remote Expert:
        • 5000 mAH: Approximately 2 hours
        • 10K mAh: Approximately 4 hours
      • Video Playback:
        • 5000 mAH: Approximately 4.5 hours
        • 10K mAh: Approximately 9 hours
    • Note: Actual runtime varies based on specific application, type and quality of connection (WiFi, 5G), and specific battery pack.
  • What are the methods to identify the battery levels of the Moto phone, and the customer-supplied USB battery pack?
    • On the Moto phone:
    • On the ThinkReality A3: Within the A3 Home app, select Battery. This displays the battery level of the Moto phone, and the optional customer-supplied battery pack.


  • Can I use a 5G network instead of Wi-Fi?
    • If you would like to use a 5G network instead of Wi-Fi, you can insert a SIM card, disable Wi-Fi on both the phone and the ThinkReality Cloud Portal. You will not see the 5G icon on the A3 Home Screen, but you will continue to remain connected. This 5G indicator will be fixed in an upcoming release.
  • Can I leave my glasses plugged in while rebooting the mobile device?
    • No, make sure the glasses are unplugged while rebooting the mobile device. Once the device is fully rebooted, you can plug the glasses back in again.
    • If you forget to unplug during reboot, it is not an issue. Simply unplug the glasses again and reboot the mobile device.
  • What should I do to if deploying (or undeploying) an app fails to have any effect on the phone?
    • If an app deployment or un-deployment fails to have any effect on the phone, try disabling and then re-enabling the phone's Wi-Fi. This will force the device to synchronize with the server.

מזהה מסמך:HT512079
תאריך פרסום מקורי:03/24/2021
תאריך עדכון אחרון:08/21/2023