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Tento produkt již není aktivně podporován vývojářským týmem (konec podpory vývoje) a nebudou vydány žádné další aktualizace softwaru. Veškerý software nebo podpůrné zdroje poskytované společností Lenovo jsou k dispozici „TAK, JAK JSOU“ a bez jakýchkoli záruk jakéhokoli druhu, výslovných nebo předpokládané. Produkty, na které se stále vztahuje omezená záruka Lenovo, mají nárok na opravu.

Lenovo modem daughter card (MDC 1.5) driver for Windows Vista, XP, 2000 - ThinkCentre M57 (type 6393, 6394, 6395), M57p (type 6395, 6397)

Lenovo modem daughter card (MDC 1.5) driver for Windows Vista, XP, 2000 - ThinkCentre M57 (type 6393, 6394, 6395), M57p (type 6395, 6397)

Dostupné ovladače
Název souboru
Operační systém:
Datum vydání

Lenovo modem daughter card (MDC 1.5) driver for Windows Vista, XP, 2000 - ThinkCentre M57 (type 6393, 6394, 6395), M57p (type 6395, 6397)

16.893 MB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

03 Feb 2008

Lenovo modem daughter card (MDC 1.5) driver


16.89 MB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

03 Feb 2008

Installation instructions for Lenovo modem daughter card (MDC 1.5) driver


3.43 KB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

03 Feb 2008


This package installs an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Vista, XP and 2000 device driver for the Lenovo modem daughter card that comes preinstalled in your computer.

Co je víc

This package installs an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Vista , XP and 2000 device driver for the Lenovo modem daughter card that comes preinstalled in your computer.

This package is intended for systems shipped with a Lenovo modem daughter card.

This package requires approximately 47MB of space on your hard drive.

Print this file so that you can refer to it during installation.
Additional information

Supported systems

  • M57 (type 6393, 6394, 6395)
  • M57p (type 6395, 6397)
Downloading the package
  1. Click the file link to download the file from the Web page.
  2. When prompted, select a drive and directory in which to save the downloaded file.
Extracting the package

Windows Vista

  1. Click Start, then click Start Search.
  2. Type a1mdm06us17.exe in the search field, then click Search Everywhere. This will locate the file you just downloaded.
  3. Double-click the a1mdm06us17.exe icon. You may see a dialog stating "A program needs your permission to continue". If you see this dialog, click Continue.
  4. Click Next. Read the license agreement.
  5. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Ensure that "Save files in folder" is set to C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\MODEM\a1mdm06us17.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish to extract the necessary files to your hard drive.

Windows XP and 2000

  1. Click Start, click Search, then click All files and folders.
  2. Type a1mdm06us17.exe in the search field, then click Search. This will locate the file you just downloaded.
  3. Double-click the a1mdm06us17.exe icon.
  4. Click Next. Read the license agreement.
  5. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Ensure that "Save files in folder" is set to C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\MODEM\a1mdm06us17.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish to extract the necessary files to your hard drive. .
Installing the package

Windows Vista

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, then click Run.
  2. Type C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\MODEM\a1mdm06us17\Setup.exe, then click OK.
  3. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation. Shutdown and restart your system when the installation is complete.

Windows XP and 2000

  1. Click Start, then click Run.
  2. Type C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\MODEM\a1mdm06us17\Setup.exe, then click OK.
  3. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation. Shutdown and restart your system when the installation is complete.
Byla tato informace užitečná?

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Přezdívka (ID): MIGR-69220

Datum poslední úpravy: 05 Mar 2020

Datum původního zveřejnění: 03 Feb 2008

ID dokumentu: DS000969
