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Overview of Apps section in Windows 11

Overview of Apps section in Windows 11

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Overview of Apps section in Windows 11

Use the Apps section in Windows to choose where to get apps, remove apps, download maps, or other options.

How to open the Apps section in Windows

  1. Select Start and Settings.
  2. Select Apps.

Apps & features

  • Use Choose where to get apps to select apps only from the Microsoft store, anywhere, or other options.
  • Use Share across devices to share apps on other devices connected to your account.
    Share across devices
  • Use More settings to:
    • Use App execution aliases to show a name that can be used in a command prompt, for example, in the Run Dialog.
    • Use Archive apps to archive apps automatically.
      More settings
  • Use the Apps & features section to find or uninstall an app.
    Apps & features

Default apps

Use Default apps to set the default application when using email, maps, or browsers. For more information, see Change default programs in Windows.

Default apps

Set a default for a file

Offline maps

Use the Offline maps section to download maps for when you are not connected to the internet. For more information, see Find your way with Maps.

Offline maps

Optional features

Use Optional features to install features that are not available by default. For more information, see Add or hide Windows features.

Optional features

Apps for websites

Use Apps for websites to specify whether to open a website with an app or a browser. Set the app to Off (On for app) to open the website with a browser.

Apps for websites

Video playback

Use Video playback to set options for apps that use the built-in platform for Windows 11. For more information, see Video playback settings in Windows.

Battery options are available for optimizing battery life or video quality.


Use the Startup section to check what apps to start when logging in. For more information, see Change which apps run automatically at startup in Windows.

Startup Apps

Document ID:HT516317
Data publicării inițiale:02/28/2024
Data ultimei modificări:08/20/2024