How to submit a support e-Ticket for Lenovo Data Center products
How to submit a support e-Ticket for Lenovo Data Center products
How to submit a support e-Ticket for Lenovo Data Center products
In countries where online service requests are available, service requests can be submitted by visiting, entering the serial number of the product to be serviced, and navigating to the Contact Us section. Please see the Solution section for a guide to use the new Lenovo Service Request function, and the benefits of doing so with a Lenovo ID. Lenovo will process personal data in line with Lenovo´s global Privacy Statements.
That said, customers can also take advantage of the many self-help options available online before submitting a service request – this will result in a much quicker resolution. In addition, repair status is now available in one central location at
In this video, we will show you how to submit a service request on Lenovo Support website.
If you prefer a written procedure, use the following steps to submit a request:
Access the eTicket Forum
- Visit the Lenovo support page:
- Select a product family by clicking the appropriate icon.
- Enter the product serial number in the search field. You will be redirected to the product home page.
- To initiate a service request, select Submit a Service Request For SmarterSupport found in the Contact Us section.
- The eTicket Form will be displayed. If the entered serial number does not match the product for which you want to open a service ticket, click Change Product.
- If you have trouble locating the product serial number, see the instructions from the article How To Find Serial Numbers - Data Center.
Initiate a Support ticket - Submit Log File
- The updated e-ticket submission process allows you to upload the service log earlier for a quick and specific resolution. Click CHOOSE A FILE and upload the required logs, then click NEXT.
If NEXT is clicked without uploading logs, the following message will be displayed with a prompt to upload logs. Click SKIP, or upload a log file to proceed.
- For instructions on how to collect service logs, see the following articles:
▫︎ ThinkSystem: Collecting Service Data on Lenovo ThinkSystem V1, V2 and V3 Servers
▫︎ System x: Collecting Service Data on Lenovo ThinkSystem and System x servers
▫︎ DM/DE Storage: How to manually collect DM support data, How to collect support data (CASD) for DE Series arrays
Initiate a Support ticket - Discovery
- The warranty information of the entered SN will be displayed. Select a problem type from the drop-down menu.
In this example, Hardware / Repair was selected. - Select the country where the system requiring service is located.
- Click NEXT.
Initiate a Support ticket - Additional Info
- Add the external reference number to the ticket if you have submitted the same request to another vendor, such as Intel, RedHat, Microsoft, or Nutanix,.
- Select the Severity of the issue.
- Elaborate on your issue in the Description:* field, and enter Operating system details if applicable.
- Click NEXT.
Initiate a Support ticket - Contact Details
- The Contact Information and Onsite Contact Information fields must be completed with the correct details before proceeding. You can select Copy from customer contact information or manually enter it.
- The selectable Call me back option allows you to choose the preferred channel for receiving contact about the product and issue for which you submit a ticket. Choose a preferred method of contact: E-mail Only, Text Only, Both Email & Text, or None (voice only).
- Enter the physical location of the machine to be serviced. Address entries will be validated against Google. If Google does not verify the correct address, manually fill in the location fields. Click Next.
- This new pop-up allows additional edits if the registered information for the part to be shipped is no longer correct. Click Next.
Initiate a Support ticket - Review Action Plan
- A progress bar of the Log analysis will be displayed as the AI Engine analyzes the results and sends them to the System. It might take a few seconds or several minutes, and sometimes the resolution is presented immediately without displaying the progress bar.
- After the AI engine analyzes the results, an action plan for the identified error will be shown. Onsite customers / Premier are automatically assigned a technician based on their entitlement. Other categories of customers will be presented with a selection of options to choose from. Choose an option and click OPEN TICKET.
When selecting to Receive Parts (i.e. Auto CRU), write down at least one email address to which confirmation will be sent, after clicking the OPEN TICKET button.
If selecting the default option of scheduling a technician after clicking the OPEN TICKET button, the request will be forwarded to the L1 agent and the agent will contact you directly, based on the contact option selected in the Contact Details section.
- After clicking the OPEN TICKET button, the resolution is displayed in the portal, based on the option selected in the last step. Each notification sent by email will contain the following items:
- The Ticket number generated at the last step
- The Serial Number and the Machine Type of the Part
- The contact details
- Base warranty customers are only presented with the OPEN TICKET button and a note that a step-by-step guided solution is sent by email.
- The Automated resolution service supports the FFDC logs collected from ThinkSystem series servers.
By choosing the automated resolution service, you get:
- A fast-paced time resolution on your issue: in a couple of seconds.
- A complete step-by-step notification system, where you are informed at each step of the process regarding the progress of your ticket service number (creation, progression, closure, and follow-up to confirm if the issue has been fixed).
- Reduce the time spent on opening a service ticket in the old format, without a log and without choosing an automated option, where our AI Engine offers the resolution in a matter of seconds and provides a way for the replacement parts to be automatically delivered to you without any other action from your side.
Common Questions
Q: Can I look up the status online for service requests I have placed via phone?
A: Yes, the status of all service cases can be found online regardless of how the requests were created.
Q: How do I register for a Lenovo ID?
A: You can self-register online at See instructions on How to create a Lenovo ID and register your account.
Q: How do I reach out to the Lenovo Privacy Program?
A: You can contact the Lenovo Privacy Program at