Critical Intel Thunderbolt Software and Firmware Updates - ThinkPad
How to get Critical Intel Thunderbolt Software and Firmware Updates for ThinkPad
How to get Critical Intel Thunderbolt Software and Firmware Updates for ThinkPad
Systems may experience any of the following symptoms:
- USB-C port not working
- Intel Thunderbolt controller not visible in the OS/Device Manager
- USB-C or Thunderbolt docking stations not visible or having connectivity problems
- HDMI output not available
- System battery not charging with a USB-C power adapter connected to the USB-C port
- Intel Thunderbolt pop-up error message
- Intel Thunderbolt safe mode error message
- BIOS Thunderbolt communication error or hang during POST
These symptoms may occur after 6 to 12 months of typical usage.
Applicable Brands
Applicable Systems
- P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ)
- P51 (Type 20MM, 20MN)
- P51 (Type 20HH, 20HJ)
- P51s (Type 20HB, 20HC)
- P51s (Type 20JY, 20K0)
- P52 (Type 20M9, 20MA)
- P52s (Type 20LB, 20LC)
- P53s (Type 20N6, 20N7)
- P71 (type 20HK, 20HL)
- T470 (Type 20HD, 20HE)
- T470 (Type 20JM, 20JN)
- T470s (type 20HF, 20HG)
- T470s (type 20JS, 20JT)
- T480 (Type 20L5, 20L6)
- T480s (type 20L7, 20L8)
- T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3)
- T490 (Type 20RY, 20RX)
- T490 (Type 20Q9, 20QH)
- T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY)
- T570 (Type 20H9,20HA)
- T570 (Type 20JW, 20JX)
- T580 (Type 20L9, 20LA)
- T590 (Type 20N4, 20N5)
- X1 Carbon 5th Gen - (Type 20HR, 20HQ)
- X1 Carbon 6th Gen - (Type 20KH, 20KG)
- X1 Carbon 7th Gen - (Type 20QD, 20QE)
- X1 Carbon 7th Gen - (Type 20R1, 20R2)
- X1 Yoga 2nd Gen (Type 20JD, 20JE, 20JF, 20JG)
- X1 Yoga 3rd Gen (Type 20LD, 20LE, 20LF, 20LG)
- X1 Yoga 4th Gen (Type 20QF, 20QG)
- X1 Yoga 4th Gen (Type 20SA, 20SB)
- X1 Tablet 3rd Gen (Type 20KJ, 20KK)
- X280 (Type 20KF, 20KE)
- X380 Yoga (Type 20LH, 20LJ)
- X390 (Type 20Q0, 20Q1)
- X390 Yoga (Type 20NN, 20NQ)
- Yoga 370 (Type 20JJ, 20JH)
System Is Configured With
USB-C or Intel Thunderbolt controllers
Operating Systems
Windows 10 64-bit
Lenovo recommends users immediately update the applicable systems with these Intel Driver and Firmware packages. Both update packages (Driver and Firmware) must be installed. Lenovo recommends the Driver Package (Intel Thunderbolt software) be installed first, followed by the Firmware Package (Intel Thunderbolt firmware) second. The update packages can be obtained from the following sources:
- Lenovo Vantage (System Update) Lenovo recommended
- Lenovo Technical Support site for the system (Drivers & Software, Manual Update, Display and Video Graphics and Thunderbolt and Firmware)
- the following table
Products Name | Use Driver Package or Higher | Driver Version | Use Firmware or Higher | NVM FW Version |
P43s | N2ITD03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2ITH02W | 20 |
P51 | N1UTD06W | | N1UBD04W | 43 |
P51s | N1NTA05W | | N1VTI08W | 20 |
P52 | N2CTD09W | | N2CBD06W | 45 |
P52s | N27TA09W | | N27TI06W | 20 |
P53s | N2ITD03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2ITH02W | 20 |
P71 | N1UTD06W | | N1TBD04W | 43 |
T470/ThinkPad 25 | N1QTD13W | | N1QTH07W | 20 |
T470s | N1WTA15W | | N1WTH07W | 20 |
T480* | N22TA0AW / N22TA14W | 1.41.645.0/ | N24TH08W | 20 |
T480s | N22TA12W | | N22TH06W | 20 |
T490 | N2ITD03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2ITH02W | 20 |
T490s | N2STA03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2JTH02W | 20 |
T570 | N1NTA05W | | N1VTH08W | 20 |
T580 | N27TA09W | | N27TH06W | 20 |
T590 | N2ITD03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2ITH02W | 20 |
X1 C - 5th | N1MTA08W | | N1MTF18W | 43 |
X1 C - 6th | N22TA12W | | N23TH02W | 43 |
X1 C - 7th | N2HTA08W | 1.41.648.5 | N2HTH03W | 43 |
X1 Tablet 3rd | N1ZTAB6W | | N1ZTH08W |
43 |
X1 Yoga 2nd | N1NTA05 | | N1NTH10W | 43 |
X1 Yoga 3rd | N27TA09W | | N25TH07W | 43 |
X1 Yoga 4th | N2HTA08W | 1.41.648.5 | N2HTH03W | 43 |
X280 | N20TA11W | | N20TH08W | 20 |
X390 | N2STA03W | 1.41.729.0 | N2JTH02W | 20 |
X380 Yoga | R0STB09W | | R0STF18W | 20 |
X390 Yoga | N2LTA09W | 1.41.648.5 | N2LTH01W | 20 |
Yoga 370 | R0HTB06W | | R0HTF19W | 20 |
* T480 DCH Drivers are needed for Windows 10 S Edition, please use this link - N22TB02W Refer to each package readme for installation instructions.
1.41.*.* = DCH Windows 10/11 S driver.
17.*.*.* = Non DCH Windows 10/11 driver.
Refer to each package readme for installation instructions.
Additional Information
Contact Lenovo Technical Support if symptoms continue after the installation of these update packages.
This document will be updated as pending packages are released.
Firmware install requires that the Intel Thunderbolt IO Controller must be enabled in BIOS.
Users with NVM version 4.0 please connect a Thunderbolt device to the system prior to updating firmware.
Check the software and firmware versions via the following methods:
1. In the Windows 10/11 taskbar type powershell.
2. For software version: Open Powershell and type (Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver| where {$_.DeviceName -eq "Thunderbolt(TM) Controller - 15BF"}).driverversion
Please note that the controller DeviceName string 15** differs from system to system. Please use Device Manager to obtain your version.
3. For firmware version:
Open PowerShell and navigate to the directory where the Firmware files were installed to, usually "C:\DRIVERS\Thunderbolt_FW"
Issue the following commands: .\FwUpdateCmd.exe GetCurrentNvmVersion "$(.\FwUpdateCmd.exe EnumControllers)"
Intel Thunderbolt Software or Intel Thunderbolt Application Center
Windows 10
- In the Windows 10 taskbar type Thunderbolt.
- In the taskbar right-click the blue and white Lighting bolt icon and click About.
- A window named Details will appear. Firmware will be under NVM Firmware Version.
Windows 11
- In the Windows 11 taskbar type Thunderbolt.
- In the taskbar right-click the blue and white Lighting bolt icon and click App settings.
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