Lenovo ISG Firmware Support Center for DCG Products

Explore Lenovo ISG Firmware Support Center for Lenovo DCG Products

Explore Lenovo ISG Firmware Support Center for Lenovo DCG Products


This document introduces the firmware update process for Lenovo ISG (DCG) products and the concepts that go with it.

Where can I acquire firmware/drivers for firmware updates?

For a step-by-step guide of how to locate and download all available firmware/drivers for your Lenovo DCG products, click this Acquiring Firmware/Drivers link or on the tab by the same name at the top of this page.

Firmware and drivers can be downloaded from the Lenovo Data Center Support site for Lenovo DCG products (i.e. Servers, Storage and Networking products).

Introduction for Firmware and Drivers

What are firmware updates?

What is a device driver?

Why are firmware updates important?

How to determine if updates are necessary.

What are the Lenovo Best Recipes?

Who to contact for assistance?

For assistance with helping to find your product and model number refer to the knowledge base article: Find my product or serial number.

Additional Information

Original offentliggørelsesdato:10/20/2020
Dato for sidste ændring:07/30/2024