ThinkSmart Cam Control Application – Control the ThinkSmart camera device settings and features

Introduction for the ThinkSmart Cam Control Application

Introduction for the ThinkSmart Cam Control Application


Describes the ThinkSmart Cam Control Application.
ThinkSmart Cam app icon

The ThinkSmart Camera Control Application is a Windows-based application to locally configure functions ThinkSmart Camera devices:

Video/Audio Accessory Windows IoT Device
ThinkSmart Cam ThinkSmart Bar 180 ThinkSmart One
ThinkSmart Camera ThinkSmart Bar 180 ThinkSmart One

Once installed, allows users to view and modify various settings and features of the ThinkSmart Camera device.

ThinkSmart Cam Control application

  • If using the ThinkSmart Cam, ThinkSmart Bar 180, or ThinkSmart One with ThinkSmart Manager portal, and after the device has been added to the ThinkSmart Manager portal, the ThinkSmart Camera Control Application is no longer used to control the settings of the ThinkSmart Camera device.
  • It is recommended to disable AI features like Automated Zoom, Speaker Tracking, and Whiteboard Detection when using Microsoft Teams Room's Cloud IntelliFrame.

Applicable Devices

Operating Systems

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10 IoT
  • Windows 11 IoT


A compatible Windows IoT ThinkSmart compute device, or a Desktop, Laptop computer.

Installation and Configuration


  1. Click [Download] ThinkSmart Camera Control Application and download lenovo_thinksmart_cameracontroller_setup.exe to a compatible Windows device.
  2. Double-click the installer.
    ThinkSmart Cam app icon
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
    Select setup language

    Setup for ThinkSmart Cam Control

    End User License Agrement and Open Source agreement

After the installation is complete, the application can be started from Windows Start Menu or, if created, from Windows Desktop shortcut.


Connect the ThinkSmart Camera device to a compatible Windows device. If the device is not connected the following Connect a Device message appears.

Connect a Device

Connect the device, and allow 10-15 seconds for the ThinkSmart Camera Control Application to detect the device.

The following Select your device appears:
select your device

After selecting the device, the application displays the various features that are available on the selected camera. The device can be changed by using the drop-down. The application has helpful tooltips that describes what the settings do.
ThinkSmart Cam Control application

After customizing the settings, apply the setting by clicking Save. Click Cancel to discard any changes.

  • Depending on the device, and the ThinkSmart Cam Control app version, the settings on the screen may appear different than what is shown above.
  • Depending on the device, changing some settings might require a device restart. In such a scenario, access to the camera is lost for approximately one minute. After restart, the device should automatically be accessible.


Application Uninstall

To uninstall the application from the Windows, go to Windows Control Panel and click on uninstall program. Locate the application and left click on it once. This should display the option to uninstall the program.

Document ID:HT516003
Data publicării inițiale:01/04/2024
Data ultimei modificări:01/29/2025