Cannot open camera on Ideapad 310 running Windows 10

Cannot open camera on Ideapad 310 running Windows 10

अपने डिवाइस की पहचान करें
सुनिश्चित करें कि यह सामग्री उस डिवाइस पर लागू होती है जिसके बारे में आपको जानकारी चाहिए, कृपया अपना सीरियल नंबर दर्ज करें या अपने उत्पाद का चयन करें। या उत्पाद ब्राउज़ करें

Cannot open camera on Ideapad 310 running Windows 10


The camera does not open on ideapad 310. The driver has been updated. The laptop displays a message that the device is working properly. Privacy is on.


Device Manager

Camera settings

Applicable Brands


Applicable Systems

ideapad 310

Operating Systems

Windows 10


Use the following steps to uninstall and reinstall the driver.

Note: It is important to delete the existing driver in case it is corrupted, or Windows will keep using the one that is already installed.

  1. Right-click the camera in Device Manager, select Uninstall, check the box to delete driver software for this device, and then click next.
    Device Manager
  2. Once complete, right-click anywhere within Device Manager, and select Scan for Hardware Changes (or do so from the Action pull-down menu), and let Windows re-detect your camera and install a driver.
    Scan for hardware changes

दस्तावेज़ आईडी:HT505378
मूल प्रकाशन तिथि:10/10/2017
अंतिम संशोधन तिथि:10/01/2024