Merk: Dette nettstedet inneholder et tilgjengelighetssystem. Trykk på Control-F11 for å justere nettstedet til synshemmede som bruker en skjermleser; Trykk på Control-F10 for å åpne en tilgjengelighetsmeny.

How to disable TrackPoint - Windows - ThinkPad

Steps and instructions to disable TrackPoint - Windows - ThinkPad

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Steps and instructions to disable TrackPoint - Windows - ThinkPad


This is a general tutorial on how to disable or turn off TrackPoint.

Applicable Brands



Windows 10

  1. Type control panel in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Control Panel.
    Control Panel
  2. Choose Mouse.
  3. The Mouse Properties popup is displayed.
  4. Choose the UltraNav (Fig 2.1) tab or ThinkPad (Fig 2.3) tab.
    Note: If ThinkPad does not have the UltraNav or ThinkPad tab, install the Hotkey driver.
  5. For the UltraNav tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.

    Fig 2.1

  6. For the ThinkPad tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.

    Enable option
    Fig 2.3

  7. Select Windows Settings in the TouchPad section for touchpad settings.

    Fig 2.2

Windows 11

  1. Type control panel in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Control Panel.
    Control Panel
  2. Choose Mouse.
  3. The Mouse Properties popup is displayed.
  4. Choose the UltraNav (Fig 2.1) tab or ThinkPad (Fig 2.3) tab.
    Note: If ThinkPad does not have the UltraNav or ThinkPad tab, install the Hotkey driver.
  5. For the UltraNav tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.
  6. For the ThinkPad tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.
    Enable option

Additional Information

The UltraNav/Thinkpad tab functions are installed as part of the Hotkey Features Integration package. Download the latest version from Support Site.

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:01/29/2016
Siste endrede data:01/08/2025