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How to input a number when keyboard has no NumLock (Numeric Lock) key - ThinkPad - Windows

How to input a number when keyboard has no NumLock (Numeric Lock) key - ThinkPad - Windows

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How to input a number when keyboard has no NumLock (Numeric Lock) key - ThinkPad - Windows


How to input a number when the keyboard has no NumLock (Numeric Lock) key?

Applicable Brands


Operating Systems

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10


Some ThinkPad's do not have NumLock features.

Option 1:

Use the corresponding keys directly.

Option 2

Use the On-Screen Keyboard


Windows 11

  1. Select Start and Settings.
  2. Select Accessibility.
  3. Select Keyboard.
  4. Select On under On-screen keyboard.
    On-screen keyboard

Windows 10

  1. Right-click the Windows icon.
  2. Select Ease of Access.
    Ease of Access
  3. Select Keyboard, and then move the slider under On-Screen Keyboard to On.
  4. A keyboard appears on the screen. Click Options and check Turn on numeric keypad, then click OK.

Original offentliggørelsesdato:12/25/2017
Dato for sidste ændring:01/15/2025