Fixing Windows 10 update error 0x800705b4

Steps and instructions to fix Windows 10 update error 0x800705b4

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Steps and instructions to fix Windows 10 update error 0x800705b4


Windows update fails with error 0x800705b4.

Applicable Brands

  • ideapad
  • ideacentre
  • ThinkPad
  • ThinkCentre

Operating Systems

Windows 10


For additional troubleshooting options, refer to Troubleshoot problems updating Windows 10.

Method 1: Deselect get updates for other Microsoft products when updating Windows

  1. Open Windows updates. Click Advanced options. For more information, see Manage updates in Windows.
    Windows Update settings
  2. Uncheck/Deselect the option to Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows.
    Update options
  3. The update process should complete successfully now. Note: Running this more than once may be necessary to get all the updates.
  4. As soon as the message Your device is up to date is displayed, go to the Advanced options and select the option get updates for other Microsoft products again.
  5. Check for updates again. You should now be able to download and install them.

Method 2: Temporarily disable Windows Defender

If the above solution does not work, try turning off Windows Defender first.

  1. Click the Search Windows icon next to the Start Menu icon and type Defender.
  2. When the Windows Defender window is displayed, click Settings.
    Windows Defender
  3. Switch off the Real-time protection option by clicking the on-off toggle.
  4. Switch off the Cloud-based Protection option by clicking the on-off toggle.
  5. Close the settings window.
  6. The Windows Defender application window should now appear in red.
    Application window

    Note: Try the steps listed in Method 1 again. Once the issue is fixed, turn on both real-time and cloud-based protection to enable Windows Defender again.

Method 3: Run Windows Update in Clean Boot

Do a clean boot as described here. While in clean boot mode, run Windows updates again.

Method 4: Use Microsoft Update Troubleshooter and Restart Windows Update Service

Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter, then restart the Windows Update service.

Use the following steps to restart Windows Update service:

  1. To restart the Windows Update service, open command prompt (CMD) with elevated permissions\Admin.
  2. Type net stop wuauserv then press enter.
  3. Wait for the confirmation message.
  4. Type net start wuauserv then press enter.
  5. Wait for the confirmation message.​

Note: This could also be caused by any third-party antivirus or firewall. Try to temporarily disable them and check if that works.

ID dokumentu:HT500007
Original Publish Date:04/01/2016
Dátum poslednej úpravy:12/06/2024