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Bluetooth cannot be turned on in Windows - ideapad

This article aims to assist in diagnosing and troubleshooting Bluetooth device connection problems. It provides guidance on resolving issues related to connecting Bluetooth devices.

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This article aims to assist in diagnosing and troubleshooting Bluetooth device connection problems. It provides guidance on resolving issues related to connecting Bluetooth devices.


This article is for troubleshooting the issue where Bluetooth cannot be turned on in Windows.

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  1. Follow this article How to switch on bluetooth to turn on Bluetooth in Windows.
  2. Check if the Bluetooth indicator Bluetooth icon is shown in the system tray.
    Bluetooth option
  3. Use another Bluetooth device for the connection test.
  4. Open Device Manager. Check if the Bluetooth driver was installed correctly or disabled (What do the icons mean in Device Manager). Try to uninstall all Bluetooth devices in Device Manager, and all Bluetooth related programs in Programs and Features.
    Device Manager
  5. Go to Lenovo support website to download the latest Bluetooth driver then install.
  6. If the problem still persists, please contact Lenovo local service provider to perform hardware diagnosis.

Alias Id:IN20111117-004
Document ID:HT062656
Data publicării inițiale:10/25/2016
Data ultimei modificări:08/06/2024