โปรดทราบ: เว็บไซต์นี้มีระบบการเข้าถึง กด Control-F11 เพื่อปรับเว็บไซต์ให้เหมาะกับผู้ที่มีความบกพร่องทางการมองเห็นซึ่งใช้โปรแกรมอ่านหน้าจอ กด Control-F10 เพื่อเปิดเมนูการช่วยการเข้าถึง

Device Drivers: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Links and other useful information for Device Drivers on Lenovo systems

เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าเนื้อหานี้ใช้กับอุปกรณ์ที่คุณต้องการข้อมูล โปรดป้อนหมายเลขประจำเครื่องหรือเลือกผลิตภัณฑ์ของคุณ หรือ ดูข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์

Links and other useful information for Device Drivers on Lenovo systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) Device Drivers:

Operating Systems

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10

Drivers - The what?

  • [Video] What is a Driver
  • Drivers are programs or files that contain sets of instructions for the operating system detailing how best to operate or drive a certain piece of hardware.
  • Each piece of hardware on the system has its own specific driver. Audio, video, and modem are some of the components that require drivers.
  • If only the component is added, the operating system may not be able to use the component. However, when installing the driver, the operating system is able to use the component.
  • [Video] How to find an existing Driver version

Drivers - The why?

  • If a component does not work, the drivers may need to be refreshed or updated.
  • Drivers may also need to be updated when new additions are made to the system.
  • Since manufacturers cannot make their components compatible with every new component that comes on the market, they create newer drivers, adding the instructions to make the drivers more adaptable. The video driver is a good example: as new technologies develop in 3D drawings, it may be necessary to upgrade the video driver to be able to handle those new technologies.

Drivers - The when?

  • Is it better to always have the most recent driver?
  • There is a slight chance files may become corrupt with every add, delete, or change to the system files. If the system is running fine and there are no problems, driver updates may not be necessary.
  • All drivers are tested on what Lenovo calls clean machines, which means that they will work on newly reloaded machines.
  • These new drivers have not been tested with programs or hardware that you may have added to the system and that small possibility of corruption exists.
  • When there is poor performance from a component, upgrade the drivers. For Example: If the audio is not working (after checking all volume controls), then there may be a driver issue.

Drivers - The Where and How
