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Run Windows Update before using Lenovo System Update to retrieve system and software updates for your computer - ThinkCentre, ThinkPad, ThinkStation

Steps and instructions to run Windows Update before using Lenovo System Update to retrieve system and software updates for your computer - ThinkCentre, ThinkPad, ThinkStation

Steps and instructions to run Windows Update before using Lenovo System Update to retrieve system and software updates for your computer - ThinkCentre, ThinkPad, ThinkStation


The computer is installed with the Lenovo System Update program. When using Lenovo System Update to get system and software updates for the computer, some of the updates depend on certain Windows components. Run Windows Update first to make sure that the Windows operating system is up-to-date; otherwise, certain Lenovo programs might not work properly, without Windows updates such as updates for Hotfix, Microsoft .NET Framework, Service pack, etc.

Applicable Brands

  • ThinkCentre
  • ThinkStation
  • ThinkPad

System Is Configured With

Lenovo System Update

Operating System

  • Microsoft Windows 11
  • Microsoft Windows 10


Make sure the Windows operating system is up to date by running Windows Update first, before using Lenovo System Update. To run Windows Update, use the following steps:

Windows 11

  1. Windows 11 periodically checks for updates. When an update is available, it is automatically downloaded and installed. This keeps the system up to date with the latest features.
  2. Go to Start and Settings.
  3. Select Windows Update and Check for updates.
    Windows update

Windows 10

  1. Windows 10 periodically checks for updates. When an update is available, it is automatically downloaded and installed. This keeps the system up to date with the latest features.
  2. Go to Start and Settings.
  3. Select Update & security.
    Update and Security
  4. Select Windows Update and Check for updates.

Alias Id:SF15-D0007
Document ID:HT102010
Data publicării inițiale:01/26/2015
Data ultimei modificări:03/12/2025