"HiddenMe" popup window appears - ThinkSmart Core, ThinkSmart One

"HiddenMe" popup window appears - ThinkSmart Core, ThinkSmart One

"HiddenMe" popup window appears - ThinkSmart Core, ThinkSmart One


Describes how to resolve when the HiddenMe window appears.
HiddenMe window
After a Windows Update, a HiddenMe window may appear based on one of the following conditions:

  • Console popup window appears before the conference room controls appear on the ThinkSmart Controller or the Lenovo IP Controller.
  • On the desktop when logging into Administrator Mode.

Applicable Systems

Operating System

Windows 11 IoT


Install one of the following Rotation App drivers for the ThinkSmart device:

문서 ID:HT516332
최초 게시 날짜:03/11/2024
최종 수정일:01/29/2025