Keyboard and mice do not work when stacked or the system goes into sleep mode – ThinkPad

Steps and instructions to resolve keyboards and mice does not work when stacked or when the system goes into sleep mode on ThinkPad laptops.

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Steps and instructions to resolve keyboards and mice does not work when stacked or when the system goes into sleep mode on ThinkPad laptops.


The keyboard, TrackPoint, and TouchPad do not respond and no LEDs are lit on the keyboard. External USB keyboards and mice work normally. The laptop may go into sleep mode while in use.

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ThinkPad systems detect that they are in Tablet mode by sensing when the LCD is beneath the base of the system. Stacking one system on top of another places the bottom system’s LCD beneath the upper system’s base in the same alignment and can cause the upper system to switch to Tablet mode. This action will disable the keyboard, TouchPad, and TrackPoint.

Verify that there are no potential magnetic sources, such as mobile phones, smartwatches, smartbands, or other electrical equipment in close proximity to the lid closed sensor on the laptop. These can often trigger a power management event associated with closing the lid, without the lid actually being closed. The lid magnet sensor from the lower laptop may accidentally trigger the lid closed sensor on the laptop being used.

Remove the upper system so it is not resting on another system’s LCD.

Stacked systems

Figure 1: ThinkPad Yoga 260 in Tablet mode and stacked.

Note: The same alignment of LCD and system base.

Original offentliggørelsesdato:12/26/2017
Dato for sidste ændring:10/31/2024