DC Persistent Memory shows "OUT OF SPEC" with dmidecode command under linux - Lenovo ThinkSystem
DC Persistent Memory shows "OUT OF SPEC" with dmidecode command under linux - Lenovo ThinkSystem
DC Persistent Memory shows "OUT OF SPEC" with dmidecode command under linux - Lenovo ThinkSystem
The dmidecode tool shows "OUT OF SPEC" for AEP DIMM Type in Type 17 info.
(where AEP DIMM = Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory)
Affected Configurations
The system may be any of the following Lenovo servers:
- ThinkSystem SN550, Type 7X16, any model
- ThinkSystem SN850, Type 7X15, any model
- ThinkSystem SR850, Type 7X18, any model
- ThinkSystem SR850, Type 7X19, any model
- ThinkSystem SR860, Type 7X69, any model 7X69, 7X70
- ThinkSystem SR950, Type 7X11, any model 7X11, 7X12
- ThinkSystem SR950, Type 7X12, any model
- ThinkSystem SR950, Type 7X13 (SAP HANA), any model
- ThinkSystem SD530, Type 7X21, any model
- ThinkSystem SD650 Dual Node WCT Tray, any model 7X58
The system is configured with at least one of the following:
- RHEL 7, See below for specific versions
- SLES 12, See below for specific versions
- SLES 15, any model See below for specific versions
This tip is not option specific.
The system has the symptom described above.
Note: This does not imply that the network operating system will work under all combinations of hardware and software.
Please see the compatibility page for more information: http://www.lenovo.com/us/en/serverproven/
The fix is available with SLES15 SP1, RHEL7.7 and RHEL8.1, which can be obtained from the SUSE and Red Hat Websites.
Use Lenovo XCC web interface to check the AEP DIMM information reported in hardware inventory.
Additional Information
This is an Operating System tools compatibility problem providing full support for Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory.