Palmrest Removal Movie - ThinkPad X220
Palmrest Removal Movie - ThinkPad X220
Palmrest Removal Movie - ThinkPad X220
Text of the audio portion of this movie |
- Unlock the Battery Lock Latch. Press and hold the Battery Release Latch and slide the battery out of the slot.
- Remove the two retaining screws from the bottom of the system.
(The Memory door does NOT have to be opened.) - Turn the system over and open the cover.
- Gently push the keyboard toward the back of the system.
- Lift the keyboard up from the front and set it down on the palmrest.
- Disconnect the ribbon cable from the systemboard.
- Remove the retaining screws from the bottom of the system.
- Turn the system over and open the cover.
- Disconnect the cable from the systemboard, as shown.
- Rotate the palmrest up from the back and unsnap it.
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