Lenovo Capacity Planner (LCP)
Lenovo Capacity Planner (LCP)
Lenovo Capacity Planner (LCP)
Lenovo Capacity Planner helps IT administrators and other users to know the important parameters of the different types of racks, servers, JBODs, and other devices. It can calculate the power consumption and current value in different deployments. It improves the efficient way of deployment for administrators, especially deploying devices on a large-scale deployment.
Use Lenovo Capacity Planner Online
Latest offering for LCP (ver 3.5.4)
- Download from Lenovo Capacity Planner (zip)
- Readme(txt)
Web Browser
- Mozilla Firefox Ver 80+
- Google Chrome Ver 85+
- Microsoft Edge
- We recommend you run LCP tool on Chrome/Firefox.
- We strongly recommend you run LCP on your HTTP server or use LCP online version on this page.