Lenovo ISG Support Plan - Software

Lenovo ISG Support Plan - Software

Lenovo ISG Support Plan - Software


Thank you for choosing Lenovo! Lenovo offers a comprehensive portfolio of services with a global service delivery network that provides a level of service and execution that you will not get from other companies. The Lenovo Services team is here to support you with services that are reliable, flexible, and trusted.
This Support Plan provides contact numbers, resources, and guidance to help you get the best support possible when and where you need it.


Terms and conditions

The Lenovo statement of limited warranty
To review the systems base warranty in the Lenovo license agreement, go to Warranty Policy.
Services warranty service agreement terms and conditions
To review the service agreement for warranty extensions and upgrades, go to data center service.


Warranty information

Warranty status and expiration
To use the Warranty and Parts lookup Support portal, the four-digit machine type and serial number is required. Use the following link to access the Warranty and Parts Lookup portal.
For System x, ThinkSystem, and ThinkServer products, go to Warranty Lookup.
For Warranty upgrade information, go to Upgrade Warranty.
For General warranty information, go to Services.



Software Support Service

Lenovo offers a comprehensive portfolio of services with a global service delivery network that provides a level of software support service and execution that you will not get from other companies.


Fee-based Software Overview

The following list identifies the fee-based software covered by this Lenovo Support Plan.

  • Lenovo XClarity Software
    • Lenovo XClarity Pro (LXCP)
    • Lenovo XClarity Integrator (LXCI) for Zenoss
    • Lenovo XClarity Energy Manager (LXEM)
    • Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator (LXCO)
    • Lenovo Xclarity One (XC1)
  • IBM Legacy Software
    • IBM Flex System Manger (FSM)
    • IBM System Director (ISD)
    • IBM Fabric Manger (IFM)
  • IBM OEM Software
    • IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS)
    • IBM Spectrum Computing (Platform Computing)
  • VMware
    • VMware products with bundled Lenovo L1/2 support


Free Software Overview

The following list identifies the free software covered by this Lenovo Support Plan.

  • Lenovo XClarity Software
    • Lenovo XClarity Administrator (LXCA)
    • Lenovo XClarity Integrator (LXCI) for Microsoft System Center Management
    • Lenovo XClarity Integrator (LXCI) for VMware vCenter
    • Lenovo XClarity Integrator (LXCI) for VMware vRealize Orchestrator
    • Lenovo XClarity Mobile (LXCM)
    • Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator (LXCO)

For more information on free software support, go to Lenovo XClarity Support page.

IMPORTANT: The support for LXCA & LXCI is covered by LXCP.

Software Service Overview

The following list identifies the software service covered by this Lenovo Support Plan.

  • IBM ServicePac
    • Third-party OS (Microsoft Windows Server, VMware products, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and so on)
    • Third-party application (Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office, and so on)
    • FSM and ISD
  • Lenovo Enterprise Software Support (ESS)
    • Third-party OS (Microsoft Windows Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and so on)
    • Third-party application (Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office, and so on)



Working with your remote technical server representative


Before contacting support

To help support technicians more quickly determine and resolve your problem, make sure to have the following information available:

  • IBM customer number, software support entitlement number and/or Passport Advantage (PPA) entitlement number.
  • Machine type, model, and serial number.
  • Software product name, version, and software virtualization environment (if appropriate).
  • BIOS, firmware, microcode, CMM and IMM versions (if appropriate).
  • Other pertinent information such as error messages and/or logs that you have received.
  • A definition of the problem: Being able to articulate the problem and symptoms before contacting support helps to expedite the problem-solving process. Helpful background information might include:
    • Has the problem happened before?
    • What steps led up to the failure?
    • Can the problem be re-created?
    • The problem’s business impact.

Placing the call

After you have gathered the appropriate information, you are ready to place a call.
You will find your local support number at Support Phone List.
Dial the number you find at the above URL or the number listed in your GEO LSP and select the appropriate option for software support as your GEO LSP described or the phone audio instruction guide for fee-based software support/software service.

  • After selecting your option, your call is passed through to an entitlement agent.
  • You are asked for entitlement information, such as your IBM customer number, system serial number or your customer number, so that your entitlement to the service can be verified.
  • After confirmation, you are asked a few questions to help document the problem you are experiencing. Then, you are transferred directly to a technical specialist.

Submit a service request online

To submit a request online, go to: Service Request
Entitled customers with maintenance agreements, warranty service upgrade (WSU), and/or warranty coverage may submit a service request for hardware or software problems online.

IMPORTANT: Lenovo is not responsible for lost data or software and is not required to advise or remind you of appropriate backup, security, or other procedures. Before repairs are made to your ThinkServer, System x, or Storage device, it is your responsibility to:

  • Back up all data and software on the system
  • Remove any removable media
  • Reload data and software



There are two different methods to pass the entitlement check.
For fee-based software, the entitlement is by the IBM customer number.

IMPORTANT: You should receive an electronic Proof of Entitlement (ePOE) which contains the IBM customer number by e-mail as below example shows.


If your contact e-mail is not correct, your entitlement is not created correctly, or you need a copy of the ePOE, send an e-mail to SW_override@lenovo.com and including the following information to receive a new copy of the ePOE.

  • Customer name
  • Order number
  • Describe nature of problem
  • New end customer contact (if appropriate)
  • New end customer email (if appropriate)
For software service, the entitlement is by machine type, model number, and serial number.


IMPORTANT: Register your software service correctly before you contact the service provider; otherwise, you will fail the entitlement check. You should receive an e-mail which will instruct you to register your software service (see the following example).

software support

If you have problems registering your software service, contact your sales representative or send an e-mail to your Lenovo representative.



Working with Lenovo Forum representative


Starting the topic

You can go forums to post a topic to get help for free software. Go to “Datacenter Systems Management” branch and the “Lenovo XClarity” sub-branch to start a topic for help for LXCA, LXCI, and LXCM. The forum representatives will answer your topic when he or she is available.

IMPORTANT: Lenovo is not responsible for supporting free software. Your topic may not be answered on the Lenovo Forum, and your issue may not be solved. If support service is required, please purchase fee-based software or software service.



Choices for VMware Support Service



You could have chosen ServicePac as your VMware support service from October 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Follow the instructions above to get ServicePac support.

VMware's Own Support Service

Lenovo resold VMware products with VMware support service from July 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. Please contact VMware directly to get support for your VMware products.
For more information, go to Support

Bundled Lenovo L1 / 2 Support Service

Lenovo resold VMware vSphere products with bundled support service from April 1, 2016. You can follow the above instructions to get bundled Lenovo L1 / 2 support.

IMPORTANT: Ensure all VMware products that you purchase from Lenovo include at least one VMware vSphere product with bundled support service, and make sure its S&S is still valid. Otherwise, you may not get the support service for your VMware products.
The list of VMware vSphere products with bundled support service can be found at here.



Escalation assistance


At any time while you are working with a remote technical support representative and are not satisfied with the level of support, you have the ability to request that the case be escalated. It is best to work with Level 1 support for the initial phase, as they are responsible for gathering and analyzing the appropriate problem determination data.

  • If you feel the case is not being handled properly, ask that the case be escalated to Level 2 support or ask to speak to a team leader.
  • When your hardware case is being escalated, support begins to refer to a Salesforce number with the following format, 0#######. IBM Level 1 and IBM Level 2 support use the seven-character case number, but our Lenovo Level 2 and Lenovo Product Engineering (L3) team refers to the Salesforce number.
  • If you are concerned about the progress of a case or you are having issues with the technicians that have been dispatched in the field, you can request assistance from a National Duty Manager (NDM). This request can be initiated with a call center agent by calling your local support number and request the NDM. Both the NDM and team leads are available 7 X 24 X 365.
  • If further escalation is needed, reach out to your account team and we can open a formal complaint (CMT) on your behalf, which is assigned to one of our Designated Resolution Owners (DRO).



Billable services


Some services may be determined to be beyond the normal break/fix support covered by your warranty or maintenance contract coverage. In these instances, you may be asked to provide a Purchase Order (PO) or credit card number to pay for the billable service. Billable, or out of scope, work is provided on a best effort basis.
Here are some examples of when service may be billable:

  • Hardware warranty or maintenance contract has expired
  • Hardware warranty or maintenance contract has expired
  • Technician requested to install accessories or components not covered by warranty or maintenance contract
  • Technician requested to install or configure operating system, software, firmware, etc.
  • Technician requested to perform onsite problem determination or gather logs





Description URL
Lenovo Corporate http://www.lenovo.com
System x, ThinkSystem, and ThinkServer https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/
Tools Center https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/LNVO-CENTER
Tools Center Info Center http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/toolsctr/v1r0/index.jsp
Open a Service Request https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/servicerequest
System x, ThinkSystem, and ThinkServer https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/
Lenovo Press http://www.lenovopress.com
Enterprise Solution Services http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/systems/services/
Data Center Solution Configurator http://dcsc.lenovo.com/#/
Firmware Best Practices Guide https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/tw/en/solutions/ht116912
MY NOTIFICATIONS Alerting https://account.lenovo.com/us/en#/mysubscriptions
System x, ThinkSystem, and
ThinkServer Warranty Look-Up
Lenovo Statement of Limited Warranty https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/en/warrantylookup/warrantypolicy
Services Warranty Service Agreement https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/tw/en/solutions/ht116628
3D Product Tours http://www.lenovofiles.com/3dtours/products/index.html
Lenovo Forums https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/English-Community/ct-p/Community-EN
Product Registration http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/landingpage/product-registration/?linkTrack=footer:Resources_Product%20Registration



Services lookup tools


Data Center Solution Configurator

To instantly find compatible services for any Lenovo server, storage and network, use the Data Center Solution Configurator at DCSC Service.


Data Center Services Portfolio

Lenovo offers a comprehensive portfolio of services that supports the full lifecycle of your Lenovo IT assets. At every stage from planning through end-of-life, we offer the expertise and services. you need to more accurately budget for IT expenses, deliver better service level agreements, and generate greater end-user satisfaction.

service portfolio

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Document ID:HT504357
Original Publish Date:06/27/2017
Last Modified Date:12/09/2024