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How to uninstall drivers from Device Manager - Windows

This article shows you how to uninstall driver from Device Manager - Windows

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This article shows you how to uninstall driver from Device Manager - Windows


This topic explains how to uninstall a driver from Device Manager. For Windows 11 information, see How to Remove Drivers in Windows 11.

Operating Systems

Windows 10


  1. Launch Windows Device Manager.
    Device Manager
  2. Find the target device (for example, Mice and other pointing devices -> Synaptics Pointing Device). Right-click and select the Uninstall option.
  3. There should be a popup window next to the device driver to confirm the operation. Click the check box to make sure the driver software is removed.
    Confirm device uninstall
    Confirm device uninstall
  4. Wait for the processing.
  5. Another popup window should appear. Click OK to continue.
    Select OK
  6. The last popup window displays a message about whether to reboot the system. Click Yes to reboot the system and complete the uninstall.
    Yes to reboot

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:09/28/2016
Siste endrede data:12/05/2024