Wireless WAN removal movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

Wireless WAN removal movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

Wireless WAN removal movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

GotoMovie player help

Text of the audio portion of this movie
  1. Loosen the single captive screw.
  2. Lift the cover from the system.
  3. Disconnect the two antenna leads.
  4. Remove the two retaining screws.
  5. Lift the WWAN card up and out of the system.
Additional information

GotoThinkPad movie index

Full service video CD available from http://www.lenovoservicetraining.com/


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Alias Id:MIGR-76537
Document ID:PD005881
Original Publish Date:04/06/2010
Last Modified Date:07/31/2014