Notebook and Desktop: Stands, Arms, Mounts, Rail Kits - Reference Guide

Notebook and Desktop: Stands, Arms, Mounts, Rail Kits - Reference Guide

Notebook and Desktop: Stands, Arms, Mounts, Rail Kits - Reference Guide

Stand arm


Lenovo Adjustable Height Arm (4XF0H70603)
Lenovo Fixed Height Arm (4XF0H70604)


Notebook Stands
Lenovo Adjustable Notebook Stand (4XF0H70605)
Lenovo Dual Platform Notebook and Monitor Stand (4XF0L37598)


Desktop Stands and Mounts
ThinkCentre Tiny In One Single Monitor Stand (4XF0L72015)
ThinkCentre Tiny-In-One Dual Monitor Stand (4XF0L72016)
Lenovo Vertical PC and Monitor Stand II (41R4474)
Lenovo Universal All In One (AIO) Stand (0B47385)
Lenovo Dual Platform Notebook and Monitor Stand (4XF0L37598)
ThinkCentre Edge 91z/92z Stand (0A33969)
ThinkCentre M32 L-Bracket Mounting Kit (4XF0G56973)
ThinkCentre Tiny III Expansion Box (4XH0K93943)
ThinkCentre Tiny Monitor Mounting Kit (0B47073)
ThinkCentre Tiny Storage Unit (0B47375)
ThinkCentre Tiny VESA Mount II (4XF0N03161)
ThinkCentre Tiny VESA Mount (0B47374)
ThinkCentre ThinkCentre Tiny Under Desk Mount Bracket (0B47097)
ThinkCentre Tiny L-Bracket Mounting Kit (Universal belt) (4XF0E51408)
ThinkCentre Tiny Sandwich Kit II (4XH0N04098)
ThinkCentre Tiny Sandwich Kit (0B47383)
ThinkCentre Tiny Power Cage II (4XH0N23158)
ThinkCentre Tiny Power Cage (4XF0H09737)
ThinkCentre Tiny Clamp Bracket Mounting Kit II (4XF0N82412)
ThinkCentre Tiny Clamp Bracket Mounting Kit (4XF0H41079)
ThinkCentre Tiny IV Vertical Stand (4XF0N03160)
ThinkCentre Tiny III Vertical Stand (4XF0L68949)
ThinkCentre X1 VESA Mount (4XF0L16613)
ThinkCentre Tiny Screws (4XH0M77103)
ThinkCentre 3.5" HDD Bracket (4XF0K93941)


Monitor Stands
ThinkCentre Tiny Power Cage (4XF0H09737)
Lenovo Dual Platform Notebook and Monitor Stand (4XF0L37598)


Lenovo Docking Station Mounting Kits
Lenovo Docking Station Mounting Kit (4XF0S99497)



Discontinued Stands, Mounts, Arms
ThinkCentre M90z Height Adjustable Stand (57Y4351)
ThinkCentre A70z Performance Stand (57Y4277)
Lenovo Notebook Stand S1801A (57Y6484)
Lenovo Essential Notebook Stand (45J9292)
  ThinkStation C-Series, D-Series Rail Kit (57Y4482)
ThinkCentre Extend Arm (57Y4352)
  Lenovo Easy Reach Monitor Stand (55Y9258)
  Lenovo Notebook Stand S1801A (57Y6484)


Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:02/07/2017
Siste endrede data:07/14/2023