ThinkPad USB-C Dock (40A9) connectivity lost after X1 Tablet (Gen 2) BIOS Update - X1 Tablet (Gen 2)

Steps and instructions to resolve ThinkPad USB-C Dock (40A9) connectivity lost after X1 Tablet (Gen 2) BIOS Update - X1 Tablet (Gen 2)

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Steps and instructions to resolve ThinkPad USB-C Dock (40A9) connectivity lost after X1 Tablet (Gen 2) BIOS Update - X1 Tablet (Gen 2)


When a ThinkPad USB-C Dock (40A9) is connected to an X1 Tablet (Gen 2), during a BIOS update, you may lose connectivity to the dock, after the update.

Applicable Brands


Applicable Systems

X1 Tablet (Gen 2)

System Is Configured With


Power-cycle the ThinkPad USB-C Dock (or disconnect/reconnect the USB-C cable), after the X1 Tablet (Gen 2) BIOS update completes.

Original offentliggørelsesdato:01/10/2018
Dato for sidste ændring:10/16/2024