How to connect to a wireless network - Windows 10

Information for how to connect to a wireless network - Windows 10

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Information for how to connect to a wireless network - Windows 10


This article describes how to connect to a wireless network. For Windows 11 steps, see Connect to a Wi-Fi network in Windows.

For troubleshooting steps, see Unable to detect or find any wireless networks in range - Windows 10 and 11.

Operating Systems

Windows 10


  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon on the right side of the taskbar.
  2. Available wireless networks will be listed. Select the one to connect to, and then click Connect.
  3. Enter the password (if the network is secured) before clicking Next.
    Enter password
  4. The machine is now connected to the wireless network.

Ідентифікатор документа:HT509310
Дата вихідної публікації:10/05/2019
Дата останніх змін:02/05/2025