Docks and Docking Stations Solution Links

Specifications and other useful solution links for Docks and Docking Stations

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Specifications and other useful solution links for Docks and Docking Stations

Provides a list of solutions for docks.

Features and Technical Specifications

System Compatibility

Lenovo Smart Dock Cloud Service: Managing the Lenovo Smart Docks

Lenovo Smart Docks are IoT-feature-enabled cable docks with ability of firmware Over-The-Air (OTA) upgrade and remote management.

Lenovo Smart Dock Cloud Service is a Microsoft Azure-based web application, providing firmware upgrade service to smart docks and remote management features for smart dock users.

For more more information on Lenovo Smart Docks, click Docks - Reference Guide or watch the following videos:

Drivers and Firmware


Replacement Keys for docks that have an integrated keylock

Selected docks (Pro Dock, Ultra Dock, Mini Dock Series 3, and others) have an integrated keylock and include security keys. To order replacement keys, go to: Replacement Security Keys for ThinkPad Mechanical Docks

Ідентифікатор документа:HT504806
Дата вихідної публікації:07/28/2017
Дата останніх змін:12/03/2024