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ThinkSmart Cam: Optimal Usage Guide

ThinkSmart Cam: Optimal Usage Guide

ThinkSmart Cam: Optimal Usage Guide

ThinkSmart Cam
Optimal Usage Considerations for the ThinkSmart Cam (4Y71) when using in Open Area, or in a Work from Home environment.

The ThinkSmart Cam (4Y71) is a device intended primarily for use in a conference room environment in conjunction with other ThinkSmart devices, and the ThinkSmart Manager software. ThinkSmart devices include:

It includes specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) features to support the conference room environment and usage. If used outside of a conference room environment such as in an Open Area, or in a Work from Home environment, the AI features may lead to behavior by the camera that is not typical of expected function for the device as a webcam, and the function of the device might appear erratic to the user. The device AI is tuned for a conference room and the camera will act based on that configuration if the AI features are enabled. Auto frame/zoom feature will work in the range of less than 6 m from the camera. The AI features can be disabled using the ThinkSmart Cam Control App.

Note: It is recommended to disable AI features like Automated Zoom, Speaker Tracking, and Whiteboard Detection when using Microsoft Teams Room's Cloud IntelliFrame.

Work From Home Usage Example:

Scenario: A Work from Home environment is where there are other people or pets in the room, they are moving in or out of the field of view and making noise, or there are objects in the field of view such as portrait style photographs of people.

In this type of scenario, the camera may try to include other people or objects into its processing for items like: Auto Frame, Auto Zoom, Speaker Tracking, and People Counting. This may also cause changes in the camera behavior over time, depending on what is happening in the environment. To help mitigate this, use the ThinkSmart Cam Control App software to disable features such as: Auto Frame, Auto Zoom, People Counting and Speaker Tracking.

Note: Changes in camera behavior are not necessarily indicative of a defect. Deactivation of AI features may be necessary to ensure an optimal experience depending on the environment.

For more information on use of the AI features and the ThinkSmart Cam in a conference room environment, refer to the ThinkSmart Cam Deployment and Configuration Guide.

ID dokumentu:HT512009
Original Publish Date:03/09/2021
Dátum poslednej úpravy:01/31/2025