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Methods to run Dolby Digital Plus in Windows 10 - ideapad

Methods to run Dolby Digital Plus in Windows 10 - ideapad

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Methods to run Dolby Digital Plus in Windows 10 - ideapad


This article lists the methods to open Dolby Digital Plus on ideapad/Lenovo laptops running Windows 10. Once opened, continue with the setup to enable or disable Dolby, or configure different settings to enhance the audio and media experience.

Applicable Brands


System Is Configured With

Dolby Digital Plus

Operating Systems

Windows 10


Method One

  1. In Windows 10, search for Dolby to open the Dolby Digital Plus software.
  2. Click the interface of Dolby Digital Plus to enable or disable Dolby, or configure the settings for Movie/Music/Game/Voice to get a better audio and media experience.

    Dolby interface

Method Two

  1. In Windows 10, click the Speaker icon in the System tray (or right-click the speaker icon and select Sounds, then Playback).
  2. Right-click Playback devices.

    Playback devices
  3. Right-click Speakers. Select Properties.

  4. Switch to the Dolby tab. From there, click the button to enable or disable Dolby.

    Dolby tab


  1. Right-click the Speaker icon.
  2. Select Open Sound settings.
    Open Sound settings
  3. Select Device properties.
    Device Properties
  4. Select Additional device properties.
    Additional device properties
  5. Select the Dolby Audio tab.
    Dolby Audio

Method Three

  1. Open Lenovo Settings (replaced by Lenovo Vantage).
  2. Select Audio/Image --> Enable/Disable Dolby.


Document ID:HT501040
Data publicării inițiale:07/12/2016
Data ultimei modificări:07/08/2024