How to get louder volume when recording using the microphone - ThinkPad

Steps and instructions to get louder volume when recording using the microphone - ThinkPad

זיהוי המכשיר שלך
כדי לוודא שתוכן זה חל על ההתקן שלמידע עליו אתה זקוק, אנא הזן את המספר הסידורי שלך או בחר את המוצר שלך. או חפש מוצר

Steps and instructions to get louder volume when recording using the microphone - ThinkPad


Recordings made using the microphone input are not loud enough. For general troubleshooting issues, see Fix audio or sound problems in Windows 10.

Applicable Brands



Make sure the Microphone Boost function is turned on and set using the following steps:

  1. Open Control Panel (search for and select Control Panel).
    Control Panel
  2. Click Hardware and Sound.
  3. Click Sound.
    Select Sound
  4. Click the Recording tab in the Sound window.
  5. Select Microphone, and click the Properties button.
  6. Click the Levels tab, and move the Microphone Boost slider upwards.
    Set Boost
  7. Click OK.

Try testing the microphone.

  1. Search for and select Sound settings.
    Sound settings
  2. Scroll down and test the microphone using the Troubleshoot button.

For additional troubleshooting steps, see Fix microphone problems.

מזהה מסמך:HT500153
תאריך פרסום מקורי:12/07/2017
תאריך עדכון אחרון:09/09/2024