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Intel Haswell Onboard Gfx driver for Windows 7 (32-bit) - Desktops and Workstations

Intel Haswell Onboard Gfx driver for Windows 7 (32-bit) - Desktops and Workstations

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Intel Haswell Onboard Gfx driver for Windows 7 (32-bit) - Desktops and Workstations

35.333 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

15 Mar 2019

Intel Gfx Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit)


35.3 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

15 Mar 2019

Readme for Intel Gfx Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit)


33.3 KB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

15 Mar 2019


Intel Haswell Onboard Gfx driver.

Dispositivos compatibles

  • All ThinkCentre E73, E93, M73, M73p, M83, M93, M93p, M93z systems.
  • Horizon 2e, H30-50, H50-50, C40-30, C50-30
  • Yoga Home 900-34ISZ, Yoga Home 900-27IBU
  • ThinkStation E32, P300
  • Lenovo 63

Sistemas operativos compatibles

  • Windows 7 32-bit


This package installs the Windows 7 (32-bit) Intel Haswell GFX display driver for the Intel chipset

Additional Information

Please refer to the README file (content in English) for the following:

  • Installation Instructions
  • Determining Which Version is Installed
  • Complete list of summary of changes
  • Known limitations (if any)
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Fecha de última modificación: 05 Mar 2020

Fecha de publicación original: 03 Jul 2015

ID del documento: DS103396
