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How to use Task Manager to stop or end processes - Windows 10 and 11

Steps and instructions for using Task Manager to stop processes in Windows

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Steps and instructions for using Task Manager to stop processes in Windows

Task Manager can be used to monitor applications, processes, and services currently running on the system. If an application stops responding, you can use Task Manger to restart or stop (end) an application or process.

Note: Be careful when ending a process. If you close a program, you will lose unsaved data. If you end a system service, some part of the system might not function properly.

Windows 11

  1. Right-click the Start icon and select Task Manager (or search for Task Manager). Another method is to use Ctrl + Shift + Escape.
    Task Manager
  2. Select the Processes tab.
  3. Right-click a process and select Restart or End task.

Windows 10

  1. Search for and select Task Manager. Another method is to use Ctrl + Shift + Escape.
    Task Manager
  2. Select the Processes tab.
  3. Right-click a process and select Restart or End task.

Additional Information

The columns in Task Manager can be used to sort by processes that are the most CPU intensive or use the most memory.


Original offentliggørelsesdato:05/16/2023
Dato for sidste ændring:02/10/2025