How to Look Up and Purchase Accessories, Upgrades, and FRU/CRU Replacement Parts

Helpful links and information about looking up and purchasing accessories, upgrades, and FRU/CRU Replacement Parts

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Helpful links and information about looking up and purchasing accessories, upgrades, and FRU/CRU Replacement Parts

In Warranty

Determine if your machine is in warranty and when your warranty expires.

See: Warranty Lookup Help

If your system is still within its warranty period, contact your country's Support Center.

Out Of Warranty

If the system is no longer within its warranty period, see the following options.

To purchase CRU/FRU Parts, first identify the CRU/FRU Part Number.

Refer to the link below:

CRU / FRU Part Numbers Lookup

Alternatively, visit the following URLs to get a preview of the latest accessories or parts:

Purchasing Accessories, Upgrades, and Replacement Parts ( FRU )

Original offentliggørelsesdato:07/21/2016
Dato for sidste ændring:08/22/2024