Poznámka: Táto webová stránka obsahuje systém prístupnosti. Stlačením klávesovej skratky Control-F11 upravte webovú stránku pre zrakovo postihnutých, ktorí používajú čítačku obrazovky; Stlačením klávesov Control-F10 otvorte ponuku prístupnosti.

Power supply installation movie - ThinkCentre M90z

Power supply installation movie - ThinkCentre M90z

Power supply installation movie - ThinkCentre M90z

GotoMovie player help

Text of the audio portion of this movie
  1. Lower the power supply assembly into position in the chassis.
  2. Secure the power connector with two retaining screws and the power supply with four.
  3. Reconnect the two connectors to the systemboard and put the cable into the guide.
  4. Slide the drive into position on the chassis, under the wall mount.
  5. Insert the two tabs of the back of the Rear I/O cover into position between the wall mount and the bottom bezel.
  6. Then snap the bottom to the bezel.
  7. Lower the cover into position on the back of the chassis.
  8. Slide it into position until you feel it click.
  9. Make sure the cover is seated properly.
Additional information

GotoThinkCentre movie index

Full service video CD available from http://www.lenovoservicetraining.com/


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Alias Id:MIGR-75981
ID dokumentu:PD013084
Original Publish Date:01/04/2011
Dátum poslednej úpravy:09/25/2018