Poznámka: Táto webová stránka obsahuje systém prístupnosti. Stlačením klávesovej skratky Control-F11 upravte webovú stránku pre zrakovo postihnutých, ktorí používajú čítačku obrazovky; Stlačením klávesov Control-F10 otvorte ponuku prístupnosti.

How to turn on or off screen rotation mode - ThinkPad Yoga

How to change your machine from Laptop mode to Tent, Stand, or Tablet mode - ThinkPad Yoga

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How to change your machine from Laptop mode to Tent, Stand, or Tablet mode - ThinkPad Yoga


This is a general tutorial on how to turn on or off screen rotation mode. Search for Get to know YOGA modes in the User Guide for more information.

Applicable Brands


Applicable Systems

  • ThinkPad Yoga
  • ThinkPad Yoga 11e
  • ThinkPad Yoga 12
  • ThinkPad Yoga 14
  • ThinkPad Yoga 15

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10


Use the following methods to turn rotation mode on or off:

Method 1

  1. Change your machine from Laptop mode to Tent/Stand/Tablet mode.


  2. Enter the words Settings into the search box on the taskbar, and then select Settings from the list of results.
  3. Click System (Display, notifications, apps, power).


  4. Scroll down and toggle Lock rotation of this display to On or Off.


Method 2

  1. Change your machine from Laptop mode to Tent/Stand/Tablet mode.


  2. Click the Action Center button Action Center in the Taskbar.
  3. When Action Center opens, click the Tablet Mode to turn On or Off.

ID dokumentu:HT500431
Original Publish Date:06/01/2016
Dátum poslednej úpravy:02/04/2025