Huomaa: Tämä verkkosivusto sisältää esteettömyysjärjestelmän. Paina Control-F11 säätääksesi verkkosivuston näkövammaisille, jotka käyttävät näytönlukijaa; Avaa esteettömyysvalikko painamalla Control-F10.

Introduction to Precision Touchpad - Windows 10

Overview and general information about the Precision Touchpad - Windows 10

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Overview and general information about the Precision Touchpad - Windows 10


This article provides a general introduction to Precision Touchpad device for Windows 10. Watch our video: Precision Touchpad Settings in Windows 10


Applicable Brands

  • ThinkPad
  • ideapad, Lenovo Laptops

System Is Configured With

Precision Touchpad

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10


How do you know your touchpad is a precision touchpad?

To find out if the PC has a precision touchpad, go to the Touchpad settings.

  1. Click Start and click Settings.

  2. Click Devices > Mouse & touchpad or Touchpad and look for a Your PC has a precision touchpad note. Check videos for standard touchpad settings:

Basic touchpad settings

There is a switch to turn on and off touchpad and a checkbox to disable the touchpad when connecting to a mouse.

Touchpad settings


This option allows using taps instead of clicking buttons.
For example, selecting Tap with two fingers to right-click, means tapping with two fingers has the same effect as right-clicking with the mouse.

Scroll and Zoom

Settings let you scroll and zoom in and out by swipping two fingers on the touchpad. You also can invert the scrolling direction.

Three-finger gestures

Standard gestures

  • Swipe up to show task view
  • Swipe left and right to switch between tasks
  • Swipe down to show desktop

Actions can be changed using the drop-down menu.

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Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä:01/23/2018
Viimeisin muokattu päivämäärä:11/14/2024