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How to identify the USB Firmware version - ThinkSmart Cam

How to identify the USB Firmware version - ThinkSmart Cam

How to identify the USB Firmware version - ThinkSmart Cam

ThinkSmart Cam

Describes how to identify the ThinkSmart Cam (4Y71) Firmware Driver version.

The ThinkSmart Cam Firmware Driver also includes a USB Firmware version.

The following methods are available:

ThinkSmart Cam Control App when installed on a ThinkPad or a ThinkSmart device

              Cam Control
ThinkSmart Manager portal (portal.thinksmart.lenovo.com)

        device manager thinksmart manager
Device Manager when the ThinkSmart Cam Control App is installed on a ThinkPad, or a ThinkSmart device

         Device Manager


ThinkSmart Cam Control App when installed on a ThinkPad, or a ThinkSmart device

  1. If not installed, download and run the installer for the ThinkSmart Cam Control App from here: [Downloads] ThinkSmart Camera Control app.
  2. If installed on a ThinkSmart Core device, sign into the ThinkSmart Core device administrator account.
  3. Open ThinkSmart Cam Control Application.
    Cam Control App
  4. The USB firmware version is displayed in the upper left section.
    Camera Details

ThinkSmart Manager portal

  1. Sign into the ThinkSmart Manager portal (portal.thinksmart.lenovo.com).
  2. Select Device Manager.
    ThinkSmart Manager Devices
  3. Select Devices.
  4. Select the affected device.
  5. Scroll to the PERIPHERALS section under the Information tab. Find the ThinkSmart Cam listed, and select the pencil in the action column.
    Device Manager ThinkSmart Manager
  6. The USB firmware version is displayed in the upper left section.
    ThinkSmart Cam

Device Manager when the ThinkSmart Cam Control App is installed on a ThinkPad, or a ThinkSmart device

  1. If the ThinkSmart Cam Control App is installed on a ThinkSmart Core device, sign into the ThinkSmart Core device administrator account.
  2. From the search menu, type Device Manager, open the application.
    Device manager
  3. Select System devices.
  4. Find and select Lenovo ThinkSmart Cam Firmware Driver.
  5. Right-click, and select Properties.
  6. In the Driver tab, the driver version is displayed.
    Firmware Version

ID dokumentu:HT514237
Original Publish Date:09/29/2022
Dátum poslednej úpravy:02/10/2025