Poznámka: Táto webová stránka obsahuje systém prístupnosti. Stlačením klávesovej skratky Control-F11 upravte webovú stránku pre zrakovo postihnutých, ktorí používajú čítačku obrazovky; Stlačením klávesov Control-F10 otvorte ponuku prístupnosti.

ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS) advanced installation on a Windows IoT device with command lines

ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS) advanced installation on a Windows IoT device with command lines

ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS) advanced installation on a Windows IoT device with command lines


Describes how to install the ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS) on a Window IoT device using command lines. If not using command lines advanced installer option, click: How to install the ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS) on devices that are not pre-loaded with TSMS.

For more information on ThinkSmart Manager portal, ThinkSmart Manager mobile app, and the ThinkSmart Manager Service (TSMS), visit: ThinkSmart Manager platform.

Applicable Systems

  • ThinkSmart One
  • ThinkSmart Core
  • ThinkSmart Hub
  • ThinkSmart Hub 500
  • ThinkSmart Edition Tiny M920q (10T1)

For more information on ThinkSmart systems, visit: Lenovo Product Specifications Reference (psref.lenovo.com).

Operating Systems

  • Windows 10 IoT
  • Windows 11 IoT


Command options

Use the following command options:

Argument Description
-silent No UI is shown
-unattended UI is shown but no user interaction
-restart Force to restart the system after install or uninstall
-uninstall Uninstall software
-force Force to install even if same version is already installed
Scenario Example
Install without UI with no restart Lenovo_ThinkSmart_Software.exe -silent
Install with UI without no user interaction Lenovo_ThinkSmart_Software.exe -unattended
Uninstall with UI and force to restart Lenovo_ThinkSmart_Software.exe -uninstall -restart
Uninstall without UI Lenovo_ThinkSmart_Software.exe -uninstall -silent

Return Code

lenovo_thinkSmart_setup.exe returns an exit code with the following results:

Return Code Description
0 Success
1 Fail
2 Not a supported system
3 Same version is already installed

Installation Check for scripted installs

Check the following registry key to see if the installation was successful.

  • UDCService: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UDCService
  • ThinkSmartManagementService: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ThinkSmartManagementService

ID dokumentu:HT511247
Original Publish Date:10/10/2020
Dátum poslednej úpravy:02/10/2025