How to manually collect DM support data

How to manually collect DM support data

How to manually collect DM support data


How to manually collect storage data on a DM storage system.

Applicable Systems

DM Storage Systems


  1. Use SSH to connect to either the management IP or one of the nodes' IPs. Use the admin user or another user with admin privileges.
    SSH login
  2. Run the command: autosupport invoke -node * -type all (Note the time that the command is run. This information is used in step 5).
    ASUP invoked
    Note: -force is optional (autosupport invoke -node * -type all  -force)
  3. Once the autosupport command has been run, log in to the Serial Processor Interface (SPI) web GUI.
    SPI login
  4. Click logs for either node and it should look similar to the following output:
  5. Look for the autosupport folder with a time that is close to when the command from step 2 was run.
  6. Inside the autosupport folder, find another folder with a similar time as to when the command from step 2 was issued.
    Inside ASUP
  7. The contents of the folder should look similar to the following:
    Inside manual ASUP
  8. Download all the files, zip the files, and upload the compressed file:
Document ID:HT514595
Data publicării inițiale:12/23/2022
Data ultimei modificări:09/05/2024