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How to make the text cursor easier to see - Windows 11

How to use Text cursor settings to make the text cursor easier to see - Windows 11

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How to use Text cursor settings to make the text cursor easier to see - Windows 11

How to use the Text cursor settings to make the text cursor easier to see.

How to access the Text cursor settings

  1. Select Start and Settings.
  2. Select Accessibility.
  3. Select Text cursor.

How to turn on the Text cursor indicator, set size, and set colors

Set Text cursor indicator to On to enable the cursor indicator. The Size slider can be used to increase the size of the indicator.

 Select a default color using the suggested color setting or use the custom option to choose a color for the text cursor.

Text cursor indicator

How to change the text cursor thickness

Use this option to adjust the thickness of the text cursor (slide to the right to make the cursor thicker or left to make the cursor thinner).

Text cursor thickness

Original offentliggørelsesdato:04/03/2024
Dato for sidste ændring:10/07/2024