ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder Kit - Overview

ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder Kit - Overview

ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder Kit - Overview

Features and Specifications

ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder Kit (4XF0L68927) provides the total solution to install your ThinkPad Pen Pro (4X80H34887, 4X80H34888) with X1 Tablet . Attaches to the ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard

For a detailed description, please click Product Overview

Manuals  Version Release Date
Setup Poster (1.9 MB)  May 2016 1 June 2016


ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder kit is considered a supply item and is provided without warranties.

  • Announce date: 2 June 2016
  • Availability date: 15 June 2016

Hardware Compatibility

The ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard Pen Holder Kit (4XF0L68927) is compatible with the ThinkPad X1 Tablet Thin Keyboard

For the latest updates on the compatible systems, refer to one of the following:

Original offentliggørelsesdato:06/02/2016
Dato for sidste ændring:07/14/2023