Software Fix – Using a Windows PC, help diagnose and resolve issues, manage data, and update software for Android devices
Steps and instructions to diagnose and resolve issues, manage data, and reinstall device software using Rescue and Smart Assistant
Steps and instructions to diagnose and resolve issues, manage data, and reinstall device software using Rescue and Smart Assistant
Software Fix (previously known as Rescue and Smart Assistant) is a Windows PC (Windows 7, 10, 11) application developed for: Motorola phones, Lenovo phones, Lenovo Tablets and selected Smart devices. It can help to:
- Diagnose and resolve issues
- Manage data
- Reinstall device software
Note: Not all features are available on all devices.
The following are Software Fix resources:
- Download Software Fix (Installs on PC)
- Software Fix User Guide
- Software Fix: Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's)
This document covers the following topics:
- Connect your phone to PC via Software Fix
- Update Software Fix
- Software Fix basic features introduction
Applicable Systems
- Motorola phone
- Lenovo phone
- Lenovo Tablet
- ThinkReality A6 AR Glasses
- ThinkSmart View for Teams
- ThinkSmart View for Zoom
- ThinkSmart View Plus - Microsoft Teams Display
Operating Systems
- Android
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
Connect your phone to PC via Software Fix
- First download and install Software Fix from PC-end software on your PC. And open it.
- Ensure the smartphone USB debugging mode is on.
- Connect your phone to PC with USB cable or scan the QR code using mobile-client-end software called Mobile Assistant.
Note: Mobile-client-end software - Mobile Assistant will be automatically installed when the phone is connected to PC by USB cable if your PC has Software Fix installed.
- Open Software Fix. Click setting icon at the top right and click Software update.
- The new version available dialog box will appear. Click Upgrade Now. The new version will start downloading. Click No, thanks to cancel.
- Click Install. It will install the new client.
Software Fix basic features introduction
Software Fix is a software tool which offers help to manage Lenovo and Moto mobile phones.
Its key functions include:
- Rescue: Rescue device from software caused un-operational status.
- Backup & Restore: Back up the pictures, videos, music, contacts of your tablets before Rescue, and restore them after rescue.
- My Device: Connect device via USB cable or Wi-Fi, and then manage Pictures, Videos, Music, Contacts, Files Management, and clone the files of older devices to new device.
- Hardware: Quickly check if your device has any hardware concerns.
- Toolbox: Support Clipboard, GIF Maker, Ringtone Maker, and Screen Capture.
- Support: Contains Tips, Forum, Moli, Lena, and Warranty. Tips: Online tips for devices, How-to, and Solutions; Forum: Submit your questions, and suggestion, discuss with other users; Moli: Get online support via chat (based on PC's region to dipslay Chat plugin); Lena: Get online support of tablet (based on PC's region to dipslay Chat plugin);Warranty: Check your device's warranty status.
Software Fix is composed of 2 parts:
- PC client: Key platform for end user.
- Android APP: Assist PC client, named "Mobile Assistant", and pre-installed LTHD.
Illustration for Software Fix Home
- Function ribbon
- Notification
- Download
- Setting management (Software update, change language, and so on)
- Account info (Register devices and so on)
- Client control (Minimize, exit)
- a. User (Register and so on)
- b. Close the client
- c. Continue and log in to Software Fix
You can log in or reset account password with this page.
Login: Click icon at the right top of page, the login dialog box pops up. You can log in to Software Fix Client with Lenovo ID or Google account (and so on).
Log in to your account, and then connect your new device. The prompt box will pop up as follows:
Click the Yes button. Your device information will be collected. Click the account icon and Registered devices, you can view your connected device. You can unregister the device when clicking the icon.
a. Help
Click Help icon to can view the help document.
b. Language Option
Click Language, and then select "Português" and OK, you can switch the client's language to Portuguese.
Click OK button, the following page will appear:
Click Restart Now, the client will be restarted now and its language will be changed.
Launch Software Fix client, the unread notification will pop up automatically.
Click icon, it will enter download center. All downloading resources including ROM package and Country code package will be added to In progress page.
- Click pause icon, the pause icon will become to start icon and the downloading resource will be stopped.
- Click start icon to restart to download resource.
- Click delete icon to delete the downloading or pause resource.
- Click Change option to modify the resource storage path.
All downloaded resources will be moved from In progress page to Download page. You can delete the downloaded resource by clicking the Delete icon. Enter select a Device page, select a device's firmware, and download it. After the firmware download is complete, the Go to Rescue button will be displayed behind the firmware on Downloads page.
Click the Go to Rescue button, it will switch to the Manual Selection page and match to the corresponding firmware.
My Device module is designed to manage the media content of mobile device, such as Pictures, Videos, Songs, Contacts, etc. To use this function, device must be connected; the connection could be either USB cable or Wi-Fi.
- Device info: Display the device information including model name, battery power, IMEI, SN, Internal storage capacity, external storage capacity, Android Version, and Current Version.
- Capture screen: Screenshot the the device's picture.
- Refresh: Refresh and display current device's picture.
- Rescue: Go to Rescue module.
- Support app export: Select app > click Export to target path.
- Uninstall app: Select app > click Uninstall.
- Sort feature: Sort apps by Name, Size, Data Use, or Version.
- Import picture from PC path by clicking Import icon.
- Select pictures > click Export to selected path.
- Click Delete to delete selected pictures.
- Two view modes: Time and Grid. Click
icon to switch to time mode,
icon to switch to grid mode.
- Click Import icon to import music from PC path.
- Click Export to export chosen music files to PC.
- Click Delete to remove selected music.
- Sort files by Name, Artist, Album, Duration, Size, or Modified Date.
- Input keywords to search music.
- Double-click to play and change the progress by dragging. Adjust volume by sliding the bar. Click
icon to play previous music. Click
icon to go to the next.
- Click Set as Ringtone button to set the music as Call, Notification, or Alarm ringtone.
- Click Import icon to import video from PC path.
- Click Export to export chosen videos to selected path.
- Click Delete to remove selected video.
- Support two view modes: List and Grid. Click
icon to switch to list mode,
icon to switch to grid mode.
- Sort files by Name, Duration, Size, Type, or Modified Date.
- Input keywords to search video.
- Click Add Contact icon to add new contacts.
- Click Import icon to import contact from PC path.
- Click Export to move selected contacts to certain path.
- Click Delete to remove selected contact.
- When adding or deleting contact on Device/Software Fix Client, click Refresh, it will display new contacts list.
- Input keywords to search contacts.
- After clicking a contact, the contact detail information will be displayed at right view. Click Edit to edit the contact.
Click File icon to enter the file management view. It will display the PC's file.
- If the SD card is inserted to device, it will display the device's internal storage and External storage file. If there is no SD card in the device, it only displays the device's internal storage file.
- Double-click the folder to open the folder. To copy a file from PC to device or from device to PC, drag the file or folder from PC to device or from device to PC.
One-key Clone:
Connect two devices to Client, then click One-key Clone icon. It will enter One-key Clone page. Select the older device as From device, new device as To device.
Select the backup file, then click the Next button. The Transferring page will be displayed.
Once Cloning is finished, it will enter the result page.
Connect one device to Client by USB cable.
- Click Backup icon and select Contacts, Pictures, Songs, or Videos icon, and then click Backup button to back up.
- Click Change icon to change the save path for backup file.
- Click Open icon to enter the save path.
- Check Encrypt backup option, you can set the backup file’s password.
Click Restore icon, and then it will enter Restore page. It will display the backup file’s Model Name, Size, Backup date, and Notes.
- Click Import icon to import backup file.
- Select backup file and click Extract icon to extract the backup file, and then import them one by one.
- Select backup file and click Delete icon to delete the backup file.
- Click Model Name, Size, Backup Date, or Notes to sort by backup file.
- Select a backup file and click Restore button to enter detail restore page, and then select restore item, and click Restore to restore.
Once the Restore is complete, the following page will appear:
Click the Hardware Test plug-in button.
Connect the device following the instructions on the page.
After connecting the device, the page will show the hardware test items.
Click the Start Hardware Test button to start hardware testing. The button will change into Finish Test. Read result is highlighted. Select it to get the result from the device.
The APP in device will show as follows.
Do the hardware test and click Finish Test or Read Result in client. It will show the test result in client.
Connect device on Fastboot and USB debugging Mode, it can match firmware automatically. If device is powered off, enter power off Mode, select device's firmware to rescue.
Connect a Fastboot mode device according to the prompt message on Rescue -> Phone page. If it is a supported model and there is matching firmware, a similar display will appear as follows:
Click download icon to download the firmware. When the firmware download is finished, click the Rescue button to rescue device.
Click Rescue, it will begin to rescue, and the progress window will appear.
Once the rescue is completed, the following pop-up box will appear.
Power on your device, and enable USB debugging on device. If it is a supported model and there is a matching ROM available, a similar display will appear as follows. You can click download icon to download firmware. When the firmware download is finished, click the Rescue button to rescue device.
Click Rescue button. The connect box will pop up. Connect the device according to the prompt message.
If your device supports Fastboot mode, Software Fix will switch your device to Fastboot mode and start rescue automatically, no manual connection required.
Once the rescue is complete, the following pop-up box will appear.
Enter Power-off Mode page. Close the Registered devices pop-up box and it will enter Select or Input Model Name page. If you have registered any device(s), the You used these devices recently. Would you like to rescue one of these pop-up box will pop up. Select one that you want to rescue. Software Fix client will help match the selected device’s product name and model name automatically.
USB Debugging Mode Rescue
Power on your device. Enable USB debugging on the device. Enter any rescue page except phone’s manual select page. Connect your tablet via USB cable. If it is a supported model and there is one matched ROM available, when you click the Start Rescue button at Home page, a similar display will appear as follows. You can click the download icon to download firmware.
When the firmware download is finished, click the Rescue button to rescue the device.
Disconnect your device and connect the device according to the prompt message. The flashing will begin and the progress bar will appear as follows:
Once the rescue is complete, the following pop-up box will appear, and your tablet will boot automatically.
Video Link: Rescue with Debugging Mode
Rescue by SN Match
Click the Tablet button. It will show the serial number (SN) detection page.
Enter the SN number of the device to be rescued in the input box. Click to search. It will show the result if it can match the firmware.
Click OK to enter the rescue page. Click Download button to download the firmware.
Click the Rescue button, it will begin to rescue.
The progress bar will appear.
Once the rescue is complete, the following pop-up box will appear.
Video link: Rescue by Serial Number
Rescue by manual selection
Click the TABLETS button. It will show the SN detection page. Click How to find SN? -> More -> Manual Selection. It will enter tablet manual selection page.
Enter the model name of your tablet and download the firmware.
Click the Rescue button. The rescue process will start. Follow the tutorials to connect your tablet.
Video link: Manual Selection
There are five functions: Tips, Forum, Moli, Lena, and Warranty.
Tips Online shows How-tos & Solutions for Lenovo and Moto devices according to user's selection. It will display the Lenovo Phone, Lenovo Tablet, Moto Phones, and Registered Device buttons. There are two ways to find product's solution.
- Click one button and select option on drop-down list, it will enter the product solution view automatically. For example, Click Lenovo Phone button, and select series and sub-series on drop-down list.
- If you know your product name, you can input product name to search product's solution on Search By Product Name input box. And if you connect one device, the connecting device will be displayed on Search By Product Name input box.
After entering solution title and then clicking the search icon, it will search the related solution information.
Click the link to view the solution page.
Once loading is complete, the following view will appear.
There are three options: Lenovo Phones, Moto Phones, and Lenovo Tablets. Click the option to enter its forum website.
For example, if you choose the Lenovo Tablets, the following page will display.
If the Moto Phones category is selected, the following page will appear once loading is complete. You can get help by communicating with Motorola Support.
If the Lenovo Tablet category is selected, the following page will appear once loading is complete. You can get help by communicating with Lenovo Support.
Once loading is complete, the following page will appear. There are two ways to check your device’s warranty:
- The connecting devices and registered devices’ SN will be listed in input box. Click the drop-down list, select a SN, and then check
icon to check.
- Input SN/IMEI in input box and then click
icon to check.
After checking is successful, it will display the device's warranty information. If checking failed, it will display "No products match that query."
There are four functions: Clipboard, GIF Maker, Ringtone Maker, and Screen Recorder.
Copy text from/to phone to/from PC.
- Clipboard to Device: Enter Clipboard page, copy text on PC. The text will paste to clipboard on Clipboard page. Click Copy to device clipboard. The text will copy to device's clipboard.
- Clipboard from Device: Copy text on phone, and then click the Paste from the clipboard. The device's text will copy to Clipboard page.
How to make gifs from picture on PC.
- Click
to add a picture.
- Modify the Output Size to set the gif's size.
- Modify Frame Rate to set the gif's frame rate.
- Modify the Save to to set the gif’s save path.
- Click Create GIF button after adding pictures, it will create gif. The created gif will save to Save to path.
Move the mouse over the picture. The Delete and Edit icon will appear. Click the Delete icon to delete the picture. Click the Edit icon to enter Edit view. Edit the picture and save it.
After adding the picture, move the mouse to the preview area, and the play icon will appear. Click play button to preview the GIF.
Use the following steps to make a ringtone from music.
- Click Modify button to select PC's music.
- Move the start point and end point, and then click Play icon to listen to the music.
- Click the Call ringtone or Notification ringtone to set ringtone type.
- Click Fade in and Fade out to set sound mode.
- Click Set as Ringtone to set the music as device ringtone (Call ringtone or Notification ringtone), or click Save, and save the music to PC or save the music to phone.
Supports recording the screen of your phone as video. Connect the device, and the following view will appear. It supports two functions: Recording screen and Recording video management.
Record Screen:
Click the Record icon. The following view will appear on the device. Click Setting icon at right top of view, it will enter setting view. User can set Resolution, recording direction, and sound recording.
Click Record button on device. It begins to record screen. User can pause or stop recording the screen using the following methods:
Slide down the notification bar.
Click device's task key, and click Mobile Assistant app task.
Video Management:
- Export: User can select recording video, and then click Export and select export path. The selected video will be exported to export path.
- Delete: User can select recording video, then click Delete to delete selected video.
- Refresh: After recording video or delete recording video on device, user can click Refresh and load the latest video.
- View: It supports two view modes: List and Grid. User can click
icon to switch to list mode, click
icon to switch to grid mode.
- Select All: User can select all recording videos.
- Sort: Video supports sort function on list mode. User can sort by Name, Duration, Size, or Modified Date.
Mobile-client-end - Mobile Assistant interface illustration
- Menu
- Connection status indicator (Disconnected, Connecting, USB/Wi-Fi connected)
- Scan button (Scan QR to connect to PC Software Fix)
- Device Information
- CPU Info
- Hardware Detection (HW Detection)
- ROM Clean
Click Feedback on right bottom. You can enter feedback page. Submit your feedback. Your feedback will be returned to Lenovo.
You can fill out the Software Fix survey if displayed, so that we can make Software Fix better. We are glad to receive your feedback.
Example survey:
- Connect device with USB cable, enable USB debug setting in your phone.
- Software Fix client will install Mobile Assistant App on device automatically.
- After installation, keep the USB connection, and Software Fix client will connect with Mobile Assistant App automatically.
- Connect device with USB cable. Software Fix client will install Mobile Assistant App on device automatically.
- When you can see Mobile Assistant App on mobile device, disconnect USB cable.
- Touch Scan button at bottom or Connect button at top-right corner on Mobile Assistant App to scan the QR code displayed on Software Fix PC client.
- Hardware detection will help to check phone hardware working status.
- Click HW Detection to enter the Hardware Detection view.
- Click an item's icon to begin to hardware detection for this device.
For example: Click Speaker icon, the Test view will appear, then click Test button, it begins to test. Once Test is finished, the test result view will appear:
Click Yes, the hardware detection finishes. Click No, and then click Check again, it will test again.
Displays the device's Model Name, Battery, IMEI1, IMEI2, Android Version, Root Status, Sensor Quantity, Serial Number, Current Version, SN, and Up Time.
Displays the device's CPU, RAM, and ROM information.
Supports cleaning Large Files (more than 10MB), Video, Download File, Installation Package, Photo, and App.
Click an item to begin to cleaning files. For example: Click Large File, it will list more than 10MB file. Select the file and click delete button, the selected file will be deleted.
Your feedback helps to improve the overall experience