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How to turn on or off keyboard touch sound - ThinkPad, ideapad

Steps and instructions to turn on or off keyboard touch sound - ThinkPad, ideapad

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Steps and instructions to turn on or off keyboard touch sound - ThinkPad, ideapad


How to enable or disable keyboard sounds.

Applicable Brands

  • ideapad
  • ThinkPad

System Is Configured With

Touch screen

Operating Systems

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10


Use the following steps to enable or disable keyboard sounds.

Disable keyboard sounds - Windows 11

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click Accessibility > Keyboard, and then uncheck or check the box next to Play a sound when I turn Sticky, Filter, or Toggle keys on or off from the keyboard.

    Touch keyboard

Disable keyboard sounds - Windows 10

  1. Open Settings by pressing Windows Key + I or tap the search box on the taskbar. Enter setting and then select Settings in the results. Choose Devices.
  2. Click Typing, and then switch off or on Play key sounds as I type under Touch keyboard.

    Touch keyboard

To change settings for sounds and typed words

  1. Right-click Start -> Settings -> Ease of Access.
  2. Select Narrator on the left side.
  3. On the right side, under Change what you hear when typing, uncheck the box for Hear words as you type.
    Change what you hear

To adjust notifications for applications

  1. Right-click Start, and then select Settings.
  2. Select System -> Notifications & actions.
    Notifications and actions
  3. Adjust settings as preferred.

Document ID:HT103147
Data publicării inițiale:07/27/2015
Data ultimei modificări:02/04/2025