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Parts Removal and Replacement Videos - ThinkSmart One (12BS, 12BT, 12BU, 12BV, 12BW, 12BX, 12BY, 12C0)

Parts Removal and Replacement Videos - ThinkSmart One (12BS, 12BT, 12BU, 12BV, 12BW, 12BX, 12BY, 12C0)

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Parts Removal and Replacement Videos - ThinkSmart One (12BS, 12BT, 12BU, 12BV, 12BW, 12BX, 12BY, 12C0)

ThinkSmart One resources:

Removal Videos
Top Cover Top Frame
Speaker Modules Camera Module Assembly
Boards Module Wi-Fi Card
M.2 Solid-State Drive Thermal Module
Skype Card and Video Capture Card System Board
I/O Boards and Brackets Fans
Wi-Fi Antenna Assembly Power Button and Volume Button Board

For the Chassis Module, click: Chassis Module Parts Removal and Replacement Process - ThinkSmart One.

Notes: For BIOS updates, using the Lenovo BIOS Update service tool, is is recommended to use an input device, such as a keyboard and mouse. The Windows on-screen keyboard may not be suitable for BIOS updates.


Original offentliggørelsesdato:02/20/2023
Dato for sidste ændring:04/09/2024