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How to identify your Windows 11 version

Steps and instructions to identify your Windows 11 version

Identifikujte svoje zariadenie
Tento obsah nie je kompatibilný s produktom, ktorý ste vybrali (VX650). Kliknite na sem pre prechod na stránku podpory pre váš produkt (VX650) alebo vybrať produkt z ponuky pre výber nového.

Steps and instructions to identify your Windows 11 version


This topic describes how to determine what Windows 11 version is preloaded on the computer. The information includes: Version, OS Build, and Codename.

Operating Systems

Windows 11


Use the following steps to check the Windows 11 version.

  1. Press Windows key + R (win + R), and type winver.
  2. About Windows has: Version and OS Build information.
    About windows

Table of Windows 11 versions:

Release Date Version Lenovo Supported Systems List
June 2021 21H2 Lenovo devices supported for Windows 11
October 2023 23H2 Lenovo devices recommended for upgrade to Windows 11 23H2
2024 24H2 Lenovo devices supported for upgrade to Windows 11 24H2

For more information, see Windows 11 release information.

ID dokumentu:HT513478
Original Publish Date:03/09/2022
Dátum poslednej úpravy:01/27/2025